Chapter 6: Plans Fall Apart

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June 14th, 2035, 8:00 pm

Celeste laughed with the others in the atrium of the mansion. There were several couches, a fireplace, and a nice big table in the center the held a multitude of plates and empty beer mugs. Taylor sat at the center of it all, in the couch facing the front doors with its back to the fire. Celeste herself sat on the couch to his left, with Harold and the man she met earlier, who disclosed his name was Rick. They filled in a lot for her, explaining that the structure of the New Government was very similar to that of the early 2000's government, with elections and everything. They told her of the full rights every citizen was granted, so long as they weren't criminals or something. In the New Government, people didn't believe the fake reportings that melanin caused violence. Not that she needed to worry about melanin, Harold pointed out. Celeste was beginning to elaborate upon how unjust the entire notion was, that melanin caused violence, and how she hoped her little rebellion efforts had made at least a fraction of this possible, when a car pulled up.

The room quieted enough that Celeste could hear the crackling of the fire over the whispering. One of the front entrance guards poked his head inside and nodded to Taylor, who nodded back. He shuffled off the couch, and several people stood. Celeste asked what was going on and Harold explained that unexpected, but friendly visitors had arrived, and that Taylor was just going to check it out. She nodded and was content to remain seated as many others were.

When Harold saw the car type and heard the voices, he stood immediately. "Uh... It's not safe for you, here, Celeste," he decided. He gripped her wrist and snatched her attention in doing so. "We need to get you out of here," he pushed.

"What?" She squinted her eyes at him, not understanding. "Why? You just said they were friendly."

"I know what I said, but we need to go. Now! Stand up."

She reluctantly obeyed. "What's going on? What's all this about? Why aren't the others—?"

And then she heard it. As long as she lived, she would never mistake that voice for another. Her eyes widened in fear, but she quickly turned furious. Harold cringed and Celeste pulled out of his grasp to head for the door, purpose in every step along her path. He ran after her and tried to hold her back, but it was no use. The fury she summoned was too great to be contained by mere mortals.

She easily shoved past the line of people that constituted the last barrier between her and him. And there he was, speckled with blood, smiling, with a small doe wrapped around his shoulders. He was at the far back, next to the trunk of the car, talking with the man who had been sitting to the right to Taylor. He was dressed in modest clothes for once, wearing slacks and a white dress shirt (or more modest clothes than she had ever seen him wear) and didn't seem to mind the deer blood slowly staining the fabric. Of course he wouldn't mind blood, she thought. How many times before has he had to wash it from his clothes? His eyes were as icy as she had ever seen them and his hair as pale.

"YOU!" Celeste shouted, enraged. Everyone's attention snapped to her immediately, including Morront's. His gaze didn't linger for more than half a second, as he soon turned his glare to Harold, who half-shrugged an apology.

She marched up to him and he stared at her with nothing but collectedness in his eyes, even if it was just for show. Without looking away from her, he took the doe off his shoulders and handed it to the man he had been speaking with. The man took it in his arms and left Morront without physical burden. "Ah, Celeste," he said, all the usual superior attitude ringing in his voice. "To be fair, this wasn't how our reunion was supposed to playout. You're probably wondering why I'm here and why you were imprisoned for eighteen—"

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