The letter from hell

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Hermione Malfoy nee Granger woke up pressed against a strong chest with an arm wrapped around her side holding her there, She was content to just lay there all day, Hermione turned around to look at the face of her sleeping husband. If someone had told Hermione 10 years ago that one day she would be married to Draco Malfoy and have a small child at 24 she would have laughed and had them placed in St. Mungo's hospital.

"Hello Love." Draco smiled opening his beautiful clear grey eyes that Hermione just loved to look into.

"Good morning Draco." Hermione managed to say before Draco captured her lips in a searing kiss full of love

"Ewwwww!" Hermione and Draco pulled apart panting and looked towards their door only to see their three year old son standing there trying to shield his eyes

"Hey baby, you hungry?" Hermione asked walking over and scooping her son into her arms 

"Yea mummy! I want food!" Scorpius Harry Malfoy said smiling at his mum. Scorpius looked exactly like his father in almost every way, he had clear pale skin with clear grey eyes but they still held a childlike joy in them unlike his father's eyes, His hair was platinum blonde almost white, but while his father had straight blonde hair, Scorpius's hair was slightly wavy, the only thing he got from Hermione was her nose.

"Mione!" Draco whined as Hermione walked out of the room with her son who stuck his tongue at his pouting dad who still sat in bed 

When Draco finally did make it out of his bedroom he walked into the kitchen to see Hermione and Scorpius trying to help Tinky the family house-elf make breakfast and failing.

It took a lot of convincing for Hermione to allow Draco to get a House elf. She makes him pay Tinky 3 gallons a month as well as two days off. it was all Tinky would take 

" No mistress Mione, Tinky is a good elf! Tinky no need help!" Tinky kept saying

"But Tinky I want to help!" Scorpius yelled stomping his foot

"Young master will stop that right now or young master will be getting flavorless porridge for breakfast." Tinky glared at the little blonde boy

Draco stood by the door chuckling to himself.

"Oi you lot, leave Tinky alone." Draco said smirking at his wife and heir, Hermione blushed, she had the same fight with Tinky every morning and every morning Tinky won.

"Hi Daddy!" Scorp said glaring at the house elf

"Hello son." Draco said " Good morning Tinky." Draco nodded to Tinky 

"Hello Master Draco!" Tinky said bowing low 

"Tinky can I help?"Draco asked cheekily as Turned to glare at him and say a sharp no.

"come family, let's wait for breakfast to finish in the living room." Draco chuckled as his son and wife followed him 

Before any of them could leave a small barn owl flew into the kitchen of Malfoy Manson and landed in front of Hermione

"Hello there." Hermione said stroking the owl's head "Draco go get some treats." she ordered 

"Mummy got a letter!" Scorpius giggled 

"Very right Honey." Hermione said while Scorp beamed 

while Hermione was untying the letter Draco came back and started giving the owl treated who cooed at him and ate 

"It's from my Mother." Hermione noted 

"What's it say?" Draco asked walking over and wrapping his arms around Hermione from behind, resting his chin on top of her head 

"I'll read it out loud love." She said before reading it 

"Dear Hermione,

The family reunion is next week and your Grandmother has requested you attend. I've really run out of excuses dear so you must come, bring Draco a little Scorpius with you. We will be staying at a hotel called 'The Snake's Lion' from the 10th to the 20th. The hotel is quite fancy so bring something nice. love you and miss you 

Mum" Hermione finished reading 

"Oh no." Hermione muttered

"What's wrong princess?" Draco asked concern in his eyes

"I haven't been to a family reunion in 10 years, my family absolutely hates me." Hermione whispers back 

"Well, it looks like you have no choice love." Draco noted reading over the letter again

"I don't, listen you don't have to go Draco." Hermione started to say before Draco cut her off

"Are you mad? of course I'll be there I might be a little late though, I have a very important meeting in Ameria on the 10th." Draco said before Scorpius said 

"Daddy Up!" to which Draco happily obliged 

"Although it is kinda funny." Draco said poking his son on the cheek as the little boy giggled

"What is?" Hermione asked smiling at her two boys

"The hotel. we own it" Draco laughed at Hermione's face 

Draco was quite famous in both the wizarding and muggle world, Draco and his father Lucius owned a company called Malfoy Corp. In the wizarding, they made potions and other things while in the muggle world they had many fancy hotels all over the world. Draco was the CEO of the wizarding part of the company while Hermione was the CEO of the muggle part and Lucius was the head of the company.

"No way." Hermione grinned 

"Yea if your horrible family starts being arseholes you can kick them out!" Draco smirked while Hermione glared at her husband

"Draco, Scorpius." Hermione hissed 

"Arsehole!" Scorp yelled out as Hermione's glare intensified when Draco laughed. yes laughed 

"Scorp buddy, don't say that. Only naughty boys say that word." Draco said to appease his angry wife. An angry Hermione is not a happy Draco.

"I NOT NAUGHTY!!!!" Scorp almost screamed 

"No no buddy your not, you're a good boy!" Draco said quickly, rubbing the boy's back. Draco could smell a tantrum. Luckily before anything could happen Tinky appeared in the living room 

"Masters, Mistress Breakfast is served." Tinky said bowing low

"Yay!" Scorp yelled "Food!"

Hermione and Draco shook their heads in amusement at the little boy as they followed the elf into the dining room where breakfast awaited them.


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