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Alexander blackAge: 23Height: 6"4Eye color: greenRank: mafia leaderRace: Spanish, Italian

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Alexander black
Age: 23
Height: 6"4
Eye color: green
Rank: mafia leader
Race: Spanish, Italian

Alessandra RussoAge: 20Height: 5"3Eye color: dark brownRank: best fighterRace:Spanish, Italian

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Alessandra Russo
Age: 20
Height: 5"3
Eye color: dark brown
Rank: best fighter
Race:Spanish, Italian

Ernest blackAge: 20Height: 5"2Eye color: dark brownRank: third best fighterRace: Spanish, Italian

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Ernest black
Age: 20
Height: 5"2
Eye color: dark brown
Rank: third best fighter
Race: Spanish, Italian

Ernest blackAge: 20Height: 5"2Eye color: dark brownRank: third best fighterRace: Spanish, Italian

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Luciana Russo
Age: 20
Height: 5"6
Eye color: bluish green
Rank: second best fighter
Race: Spanish

Luciana RussoAge: 20Height: 5"6Eye color: bluish greenRank: second best fighterRace: Spanish

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Scarlett Flynn
Age: 20
Height: 5"2
Eye color: green
Rank: Alessandra best friend
Race: Spanish

Anais russoAge: 43Height: 5"2Eye color: dark brownRank: ex mafia leaders wifeRace: Spanish

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Anais russo
Age: 43
Height: 5"2
Eye color: dark brown
Rank: ex mafia leaders wife
Race: Spanish

Natalia blackAge: 43Height: 5"5Eye color: light brownRank: ex mafia leaders wifeRace:Spanish

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Natalia black
Age: 43
Height: 5"5
Eye color: light brown
Rank: ex mafia leaders wife

Natalia blackAge: 43Height: 5"5Eye color: light brownRank: ex mafia leaders wifeRace:Spanish

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Dante Dane
Age: 23
Height: 6"0
Eye color: green
Rank: second in command
Race: Italian

Lorenzo blackAge: 49Height: 6"1Eye color: HazelRank: ex mafia leaderRace: Italian

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Lorenzo black
Age: 49
Height: 6"1
Eye color: Hazel
Rank: ex mafia leader
Race: Italian

Marcelo RussoAge: 51Height: 6"2Eye color: HazelRank: ex mafia leaderRace: Italian

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Marcelo Russo
Age: 51
Height: 6"2
Eye color: Hazel
Rank: ex mafia leader
Race: Italian

Dimitri blackAge: 22Height: 6"1Eye color: blueRank:third in commandRace: Spanish, Italian

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Dimitri black
Age: 22
Height: 6"1
Eye color: blue
Rank:third in command
Race: Spanish, Italian

Alejandro RussoAge: 22Height: 6"1Eye color: greenRank: mafia leaderRace: Spanish, Italian

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Alejandro Russo
Age: 22
Height: 6"1
Eye color: green
Rank: mafia leader
Race: Spanish, Italian

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