A Boy's Best Friend.

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That moment when your best friend loses his voice and both of you sit there, waiting for the worst that's yet to come. The germ has set itself in Ryan and it's killing him slowly, like how it did to Mr. O'Connor who was the only florist in town, Evaline Jenkins who was the mayor's daughter and my neighbour-Mr. Hawkins. The germ was something no one could escape, because it was here before any man. We don't know where it came from and we haven't found a cure for it. Ryan has his head in his hands. He doesn't want to die, no one wants to die, but the germ doesn't give you a choice. It will kill you and you will die eventually. There will be suffer and then there will be grieve. It's just a part of life. I place my hand on Ryan's back. "It's okay, buddy," I say to him, softly. He keeps his face buried in his hands. I swallow my saliva because I have nothing to say, and we just sit there in silence. Although he has no voice, I can still feel and hear him cry. He's scared, scared to suffer, mostly scared of death. I feel a tear run down my cheek. I cry because I don't want to lose him, my best friend. I don't want him to suffer. I've seen Mr. Hawkins suffer, and it was too horrible to even watch. The noises coming from his house like helpless cries, begging for the suffering to stop, begging for peace and then it stops all at once and you know he's dead. I can't imagine that for Ryan. He doesn't deserve this. He's a good person for godsake! I keep myself from yelling, keeping it all to myself. I smile at him. "Everything will be !alright." It won't, I know it won't. He lifts his head from his comfort and looks at me. He mouths, but I can't make up what he's trying to say. I look at him, puzzled and confused. "I'm sorry," I say. "I don't know what you're trying to say." He reaches for a fallen twig, and starts writing on the sand. He writes : Michael, don't forget me. I look at him and shake my head. "Never. I'll never forget you. You're my bloody best friend!" He smiles slightly, and writes again : I know, and you're mine. We both sit there watching the mountains, and all the worries are gone, like all we are looking forward to is happiness and peace, even though it's not. This is our salvation for now.

I walk him home after the sun sets in between both mountains and disappears. The love between the sun and the moon is unimaginable because the sun dies every night for the moon to shine. It's like a perfect love story. I've always envied the bond and connection between the sun and the moon. "Goodnight," I tell him. He pulls me into a tight hug, and I pat him on the back. He sheds a tear and I try not to think about the worst. "Don't worry. You're a fighter. I believe in you, buddy," I whisper to him softly and he pulls away. I'm starting to miss his voice and I know he misses it too. We reach to the door, his mother was already there waiting. Her face is red and her eyes are puffy. She must've been crying. I mouth, "Take care of him." She nods and hugs Ryan tightly. I wave goodbye. "I'm going to see you again, buddy and we'll never say goodbye. Just hang in there." I walk home. It's foggier at night than it is in the morning. My grandma told me to always be careful at night because you don't know what's going to jump out from the fog. To be honest I'm actually really scared. I push the thought aside and I start to think about Ryan. Ryan, the one who has the germ in his system, running through his blood, killing him slowly. I gulp and I push that though aside too. I remember the song my mum used to sing to me.

'Fair Lady, throw those costly robes aside,

No longer may you glory in your pride;

Take leave of all your carnal vain delight,

I'm come to summon you away this night.'

I hum to it as it starts to ease my fear of what lies in the dark and the fear of loss.

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