Chapter Three

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The grey metal doors slid open, revealing a room full of rushing people. All in nice fitted suits, women with tight buns on the back of their head and men with combed hair and clean, shaven faces. Everyone rushed about, and it looked like Central Park in New York. I looked around, the agents all armed. Check that plan off the list. I thought sarcastically. Of course I couldn't escape. I was stuck here. "This way Colleen." Isaac gave me a little push, his hand on the small of my back. I sent him a lethal glare, moving to the side.

This boy wasn't going to unlock my emotions. I was keeping them shut; locked away from the world. His hand dropped, but he didn't seem affected by it. Walking to the other end of the room, I followed close behind. He came to a pair of black metal doors, taking out his card. There was a small box next to the door, like one you would find at the grocery store. Slipping the card in, he dragged it down, a loud beep sounding. The doors opened, and Isaac led me in. It was a all white room with a huge black leather chair in the middle. That was all.

"What is this?" I asked, side eyeing him. Isaac kept looking at the chair. "A test. You need to sit in the chair." I crossed my arms. "No." My stubborn side didn't like this, and I refused to it down. "Colleen." I looked at him, his hands relaxed. "You will sit down in it. Wires will come out and connect to your skin. You will hear questions from the microphone up there." He pointed to a black speaker in the corner of the room. "You must answer honestly." I glanced at him. "Lie detector. That's why I'm not sitting in that chair."

Isaac stood his ground, face hard. "Colleen, we can do this the easy way," I looked down as his hand slid up under his shirt, reveling a black semiautomatic GLOCK, "or the hard way." I snorted. "Sweetie, I can brake your arm before you even think about touching the gun." Isaac didn't look fazed. "Twenty other people stand outside this room, ready to kill you if you so much as look at me the wrong way." I turned, facing him head on. "I call your bluff." He fixed his stance, now looking straight at me. "Try me Maddox."

We stood like that for about a minute, until finally, a voice came over the speaker. "Miss Maddox. Please sit in the chair and refrain from challenging Agent Beals." My eyes never left his. Shit. He wasn't lying. Gritting my teeth, I walked over to the chair, dropping into it with a plunk. Isaac hummed, satisfied. "Try anything, and I'll shoot you through the wall." I glared at him. "Just get this done." He walked out, shutting the door behind him. I sat there, arms crossed, fuming. This was outrageous. Had my father not heard I was missing?

"Miss Maddox."

The voice startled me, snapping me from my thoughts. "I'm going to ask you a series of questions. I need you-" "To answer as honestly as I can, I know." I snapped. "Just ask the damn questions." I heard a sizzle sound, and I looked to find gray wires come out. Two traveled to my arm, and I felt a small prick of pain. The other two came to my head, but instead of pricking me they stuck to my forehead. "Fancy." I commented. The voice came. "Question one. What is your full name?" I rolled my eyes. "Colleen Virginia Maddox."


"I'll ask again. What is your full name?"

Shit. I hated my full name.

"Colleen Sydney Virginia Maddox."

More silence.

"Question two. How old are you?" One I don't feel like lying about. "20." "Question three. Where did you grow up?" I yawned. "21 Gardeners Street, Madison, Georgia. Then Miss Little Sunshine All Girls Group Home, then Maddox Estate." I could picture the dude nodding or some other thing. "Question four. Who are your siblings?" Picking at my cuticles, I answered, "Daniel Maddox, Liam Maddox, and Steven Maddox. Three annoying little crap holes who I sometimes love, sometimes hate." Haha. Me and my ranting. "Question five," I kept looking bored.

"Who are your parents?"

I froze. Swallowing, I answered. "Richard Maddox and Barbara Whitman."

"I'll ask again. Who are your parents?"

The face of my biological mother and father fought its way to my head. My mother's long, beautiful reddish blonde hair falling in her face as she smiled at me. Her blue eyes sparkling, like there wasn't a care in the world. My father's short grayish brown hair, a pepper and salt goatee. Both of them smiled, laughed, cradled me in their arms. Then the flash of his body falling to the ground, blood on the wall. My mother pleading for the masked man not to hurt me. My scared voice as she was shot dead, her eyes going dim.

"Miss Maddox? Can you answer the question?"

I blinked, my mind coming out of the trance. "My parents are Richard Maddox and Barbara Whitman. That's all." My voice was cold and harsh, but quiet. "Miss Maddox I asked for you to answer honestly-" I ripped the wires out of my arms, blood dripping in lines. Pulling the wires off my head, I turned, kicking the chair across the room. "Richard Maddox and Barbara Whitman!" I screamed. "That's all! That's my parents! That'!" My hair fell into my face as I collapsed to the ground, blood dripping in small pools on the floor.

A tear slipped down my cheek, dripping onto my pants. Taking a deep breath, I ran my fingers through my hair, pushing it back. I heard the doors open at the end of the room, two agents coming in. "Please come with us." I looked up at them, my eyes no doubt holding hate. "Where?" "Home." I looked pasted them to find my father standing at the door frame. "These idiots made a mistake, taking you for an assassin." He strode in, helping me up. "Just look at what you did to her! She's bleeding and upset!"

He dragged me to the door, pulling me out. "I should have you all fired for this." His words were drowned out by my thoughts, fading into nothing. I looked to the side, seeing Isaac standing there, his hair in his eyes. Looking away, he turned, walking off in the opposite direction. I tore my eyes from him as I was dragged out into the bright sunlight. The door to a black limo was thrown open, my father giving me a push in. I slid into the back seat, staring at the seat in front of me. Father got in after me, the door shutting. I didn't talk for the rest of the way home, to numb to talk.


Hey guys! So sorry for making Colleen so 'weak' this chapter. I wanted you all to see just how broken she really is. Her parents are a sensitive subject, so she freaks out whenever she remembers them. I think it shows that even if she seems strong, she's also fighting off her own demons. Next chapter she won't be so prone to braking down. She'll be back to her snarky self, but I think this really allowed a good glimpse into how she feels about the murder. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Bye!

P.S. Sorry it's so short! I didn't have much time to work on it due to the holidays. Next chapter will be longer and more exciting!

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