Chapter 17

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~Taehyung POV~

I sat there. In the corner of shame, as I watch Y/n get chained up. I'm a horrible friend, Y/n would never forgive me after what I had done, if only I can turn back time and fix everything I would but I can't.

I bawled up my fist in anger. This is all his fault! If he never made a deal with the devil himself than I wouldn't be in this position. I could of still be friends with y/n bear...

3-6 days ago~

( A/n: I completely forgot the time line but everything that happened in Chapter 9 - chapter 16 is all in the same week. I know it's confusing af even I'm confuse.)

Wow it's really been two years since I had seen Y/n bear, time goes by quickly. "Mom? Eon jin? I'm home!" I said as I  enter the house, it was quiet. Weird it's never this quiet in my house. "AHHH!" I tense up when I heard Eon jin  scream "Eon Jin! Where are you!" "OPPA!" I immediately ran to her room, I open the door and the sight was horrifying. A man holding a sword against my mom neck while my sister pleads him to let mom go.

"Yah! Who are you?!" I immediately put a shield over Eon jin, the man groans but then laughs "A shielder huh? Bring back old memories." He shakes his head, "Anyways long story short, your father owns me something but it seems that he ran away from his problems so if I can't get that from him, I can get it from y'all." I felt my blood boil. Of course he would do something like that. Let us take care of his problems.

"I have two options for you." He pauses for a bit "You either become my slave and do anything I say." "No! Tae don't listen to him." Mom protests "Shut up!" He puts more pressure against her neck, I was thankful for my mom choosing a house where its surrounded with a lot trees, so I can summon my vines quickly. "Nu-uh, I wouldn't do that if I was you." He said "Try me." I snap back, but that was a big mistake, immediately pain spread through my body. I scream in pain as I fell to my knees "Oppa!" Eon jin cried, it feels like my body is crumbling, like somebody was controlling my body "w-wh-what a-are d-d-doing t-to me?"

"Don't worry about it now as I was saying, the other option is I kill you and you family." None of those options were good, either way it wasn't a win win situation. I have to put my family's safety first.

"Fine, I'll become your slave."

Present time~

That how I end up here. I hate this, why me? Why my family? What did I do to deserve this? "You did good my child." I hold the urge to gag "I'm not your child." I said harshly, I don't care if he hit me, he has no right to call me his child when I'm not and forced against my will to be here. "Oh you so lucky that I won't punish you for talking back, I'm far too happy right now ." The tone in his voice was sickening, like he won some type of award.

"You a sick bastard, I hope you know that." I spat out in disgust "Don't push your lucky boy." He raised his tone just little bit as he tries remain calm. "Cause I can end your family in a second." I lowered my head in defeat, fighting the anger inside me, the tears. "Mmhp it always works." He smirks to himself "Now we just wait the other one to arrive."

Kris POV~

Once we got to y/n's uncle house, everybody went berserk, even her uncle was going berserk. It was understandable, but we have to be level headed about this situation. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't panicking too but I managed to stay calm and collected. "Kris why are you not freaking out now?!?!! Y/N IS GONE!" Tao practically screams in my ear, everybody was on edge.

"Can everyone just calm down for a second!" I yell in frustration, everybody looked like a deer caught in headlights "You wanna know I'm not freaking out that much because I'm be cool headed about this situation, instead of going crazy I'm over here trying to figure out a plan." I said, Hyun nods his head in agreement "He's right, we need to think this through."

"Let us help too." We immediately got armed and took stances, ready to attack "Woah woah woah wait! I'm not here to fight." A familiar voice said, D.O was the first to recognize him "S.Coups?" "Hello, we don't mean to intrude but we are in the same situation as you, Jae is missing too and I came here to get help." He said sincerely but serious "Oh no this is bad.." Hyun mutter "He got both of them." He started to panic again "Woah calm down, we'll figure out this together." He tries to calm him down.

"We need to act fast, do you know how dangerous this is? How dangerous it is for him to have them together?" He pauses "I known him my whole life. He did a lot of crazy experiments and tests on people, stealing powers and giving people crazy powers that they can't handle. Y/n and Jae combined, they are unstoppable..." He rans his fingers through his hair. "If he gets the twins powers..

Earth and the entire human race is screwed."


You guys can murder me. I bet you guys are sick of hearing my excuses, I suppose to upload two chapter 2 days ago but I've been extremely busy this month so I only got time to work on one chapter. I wasn't mentally stable for the past 2 weeks because of some things but I'm fine now. Sorry that this chapter is short I didn't want to leave you guys hanging. Imma try to finish the special chapter before New Years. I hope you had a nice Christmas. Until next time. Later

- S.D

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