Chaper 3

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"Um because we don't like bullying yeah." Baekhyun said nervously and I raise my eyebrows "Okay then." I said as I grab my extra clothes and walk to the bathroom.

~Exo POV~
We watch her walk away going to the bathroom to change,once she was out of our sight we sighed in relief. "That was close." Luhan said "Suho when can we tell her that she our mate?" D.O said " When she turns 18 and when she finds out that she a werewolf but for now we can't tell her or else she'll think that we are crazy and run away, but first she has to be comfortable with us." He sigh heavily as the bell rings "Let's go guys."

~Author POV~
After you got change, you decide to go to the library to pick out a book when you notice a weird looking book and decided to read it. The book was called 'The Legend of the Wolf', and you started to read it. (Skipping to the part that you need to know)

Werewolf eyes changes to a different color for different emotions

Yellow- for when they are jealous
Gray-for when they are sad
Blue-for when they are aroused
Red-for when they are mad

This happens often when the werewolf found their mate, but in order for her/he be your mate they have to be bond with each other, there different ways their can bond (blood bond, sex and etc.)

Interesting, I never really believe in supernatural things because I think it's stupid but I continue to read it, the more I read the more I get curious. In the book it says that 'All werewolves do not get their power and are not able to turn into wolf form until they are 18 years old' I don't get why but it's whatever. I continue to read until I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see the librarian.

"Miss you have 8 more minuets to the bell rings for next class, you need to leave." She give me a fake smile but really she don't like me being here or other people in general. I nodded and get out of my seat, I went to the book shelf and put the book back then left.

I headed to my locker, I needed to get my books for next class. Suddenly someone slam my locker close, I turn to see Wendy again, ughh she doesn't know how to leave me alone. "Well well well, looks like Exo aren't here to help you this time Y/n, I think we have unfinished business to take care of." She smirk evilly "Listen Wendy, how bout we go out separate ways so you can go fuck your little boyfriend because that what you're known for, being a slut." I got up all in her face, giving her death glare, I balled up my fists ready to punch her right in the face if she says something else to piss me off. "How dare you call me a slut!" She raises her hand yet again to slap me, I ducked and she missed and ends up hitting the locker hard. "OWWWW I BROKE MY NAIL!" She yelled "Hey! What going on here?" We turn around to where the voice come from, I saw Suho and the rest of Exo standing there with angry glares at Wendy. "OPPA, she made me broke my nail." She pouted and point at me like a little kid, I scoffed "Wow I like how you turn this against me, Nobody cares if you broke your nail, you shouldn't never tried to hit me." She give me death glare but I just rolled my eyes.

"Don't act all innocent Wendy, we saw the all thing." Baekhyun scoffed while rolling his eyes. Wendy stomp her foot and had a fit like a kid "UUGGHH Whatever, you may have won this time Y/n but this is not over, I will get what's mine." She flip her hair in my face and walked away with her minions. What a hoe, she thinks that she can have every boy that she wants and that she can do whatever she wants, ha she thought wrong. "Are you okay?" Said a worried Xiumin oh wait my bad they all look worried. "Thank you guys and don't worry about it I'm fine." I gave them a reassuring smile show my cute little dimples. They stare in awe as their hearts melted.


"There goes the bell guys, I have to go change for P.E class so see y'all later." I wave to them and went to the girls locker room. I fix my hair to a ponytail and change my outfit

I usually don't wear this outfit in school but mom forgot to wash my regular outfits so this will do

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I usually don't wear this outfit in school but mom forgot to wash my regular outfits so this will do. I went into the gym without nobody noticing me until the door shut close which everybody heard turned to me. Great attention. I see all the boys mouth wide open including Exo and the girls whispering to each other. "Ms Lee, why are you late and what are you wearing??" Ms. Kim said "Sorry, my gym clothes was dirty so this was the only option." I said, she sigh knowing she can't argue with me cause my uncle owns this school and the staff and the teachers only know my relationship with him so they can't do nothing about it.

"Anyways we are gonna play dodgeball, Girls vs Girls and Boys vs Boys. Am I clear?" "Yes." "Alright lets go."  So the boys went first, Exo won now it's the girls turn. My team vs Wendy team. She smirks at me "You're going down." She said "We'll see about that." I smirk back the whistle went off and it begins. I grab a ball and threw it at one of Wendy minions she out. I saw two of my teammates got hit, I saw a ball heading my way, I did a aerial cartwheel (if you don't know what that, that mean a cartwheel with no hands.)

(Time skip brought to you by your bias body rolls)

It was only me and Wendy left, she kept on throwing balls at me, of course I dodged them "Ughh you can't keep dodging forever you know." She was getting tired and annoyed I can tell "So what." I grabbed a ball and throw it at her with all my strength, she dodge it "Nice throw." She said sarcastically, I smirk as the ball bounce off the wall and went heading to her, the ball hit the back of her head she fell on the floor, oops my bad......not. I walk up to her and crouch down "My bad but better luck next time." I smirk and walked away, I grabbed my water and my bag "Y/n!" I turned around to see Exo  behind me. "That was great, I didn't know you was so good at dodgeball." Chen said while grinning ear to ear. "Of course she was great, did you see that flip she did like wow." Chanyeol said, I giggle"Thanks guys, you was good too" I said


"So see you later guys." I said and walk the girls locker room "Bye Y/n." They said "Kris since school is over can you buy me Gucci." Tao said while giving him the puppy eyes, Kris groans and face palm. They all laugh.


Hey guys, I hope you like it. I have to go now and work on part 4 goodbye for now👋🏽👋🏽

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