getting a job

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Henry POV
"You are fired"  .. My boss said .

What but I don't...why!!!... I didn't know what to say.

I'm sorry henry but this store is running low on money and I figured the only situation is to - I interrupted him

Is to fire some workers which happens to include me.. I understand... I said sadly

I'm so sorry um here is your salary for this month... He rummage his draw's before handling me an envelop

No no you can keep it I mean this store needs it more I can manage... I said lying a bit
I actually need the money to help my family.

Why do you talk like this young boy.. Everybody works for money so why reject one.. I know you need it more please take it you're one of my best worker... He smiled at me

Thank you so much truth be told "I need the money" ... I said and we both laughed

Okay you may leave now and to commend you meet the secretary She's gonna give you something... He smiled again

Thank you sir I'll go meet her have a nice day... I smiled too before exiting his office and going to the secretary

Hi Bianca... I smiled greeting the girl behind the table

Hey Henry lemme guess boss sent ya.... She smiled

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