Char's cousin

427 20 31

The wind blew furiously , thunder striking and little drops of rain pouring down signifying it gonna rain and with the wind pressure it's gonna rain hard. ( a/n I love this moment makes me wanna get cozy and under my blanket)

Char was in the kitchen preparing hot chocolate for she and henry while Henry laid on the bed since he was sick.

Char entered the bedroom with the chocolate, dropping it on a stool beside the bed and going to Henry

Hey babe I brought hot chocolate please try and take a little... She cooed stoking his face

Ughhh I feel so weak and I can't believe you went through all this stress... He grunted sitting upright

Oh it's non babe and I know you'd the same for me... She smiled getting comfortable on the bed

Thunder strikes harder again and rain just came pouring down while they peacefully sip their hot drink.

Babe you remember my cousin... Char asked

Sure.. Charlene isn't it...what about her... Hen asked taking a sip

Yea..well she would be coming to stay with us for few months... Char said
hope you don't mind... She finished

No no not at all ..  Doesn't she stay all the way in Canada

Yea but she got some business here to do so she decided to stay with us

Well when is she coming

I think tomorrow morning cause she already booked her flight and on her way I guess

Geez I hope the plane don't get to our side until this rain stops.

Yea..I hope she gets here safely

Here I'll take the cups to the kitchen and I'll come join you Kay

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