arriving in la.🙌🏻

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IM FINALLY IN LA! MOVING HERE. OH MY GOSH! im freaking out i haven't seen joey in 5 months so i can't wait to see him. me and leah are going through the security now and kyle already did. once we all got through kyle got a taxi and went to his friends house. i was about to call a taxi and i saw joey and charles pop out of nowhere. leah ran up to charles and charles caught her. i stood recording it. joey put out his arms to let me run to him i just shouted "im tired" and he went red i walked up to him and squeezed his cheeks "why you red jo" he pulled a moody look at me. "well that was a great way to meet up in 5 months" i said. he nodded.

i saw leah and she ran into my arms it was cute ellie recorded it and sent it to us. we got a cab and drove to ellies and leahs new apartment.

we walked into the apartment. "its massive"
luckily bc joey and charles are great friends they already decorated for us. we basically had all of our furniture in already so it wasn't like they had to do much. me and ellie jumped up in excitement. "i love it you did a great job boys" ellie said hugging us all, "i agree" charles and joey said. 

it was later now, we were all in the cinema room. had the fairy lights on a movie on and blankets on the sofa. we sat in the order of me,ellie,leah, charles. leah and charles soon went to leahs room and i soon realised it was only me and ellie.

it was just me and him. uh oh. i just quickly came out with "i still don't forgive u"
he said "forgive me for what"
"hm, speaking to abbie and not telling me"
"why would you care"
i soon realised, yeah why shoukd i care. he means nothing to me. "okay true"

i turned off the movie bc it was getting boring. ellie walked off to her room "where should i sleep" i asked. "far away from me" she said. i just went to sleep in the spare room.

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