Requested by: @mermaidfan76
A/n: Just a little heads up, I am ending this one-shot book after that last few one-shots that I have. Requests are permanently closed and I will no longer take requests.
~White Rabbit
Sometimes he just couldn't get her out of his head. There were days that he sat near his window and watched her call out her duel monsters to wash them down or just play games with them. He couldn't understand why she of all people had been placed in this city when she was practically an angel. She had never said or done anything harmful to others. She cleans up someone else's mess when she wasn't the one that made them. She would rescue different duel monsters when they were not being treated right. Yami couldn't get her to leave his mind.
"Yami, are you thinking about the young human female again?" His brother, Atem asked. Yami snorted but turned to his older brother. "Ya. What's wrong with that?" He snapped. His eyes flashing red before he turned and looked out the window again. "Yami, you can't keep obsessing over this human girl. She probably doesn't even know that you exist right now. You need to let this go." Atem said before walking out of the room.
Yami turned his head and growled lowly before standing up and heading to his room. He was the middle of triplets. Atem being the older one by three seconds, him being the second, and Yugi being the youngest brother. Now, although Atem was the oldest, he had his nice and pleasant strike and his evil demanding streak, Yugi, well, he was just a little sweet guy. Never did anything mean, or something that could harm anyone. Then there was Yami. He was the one that caused the most trouble.
He did everything in his power to make things go his way but when he tried, everything went to hell and back. Their parents had warned all three of them that if that were to happen again, they would strip them of the magic and make them this a mundane life with the other humans. Atem and Yugi where horrified at that. Yami on the other hand, did everything in his power to get his magic taken from him and banished to the human, mundane realm. He wanted that to happen so he would be with the girl he liked. Now, to go around and start killing all the guards and then taking the blame for it would be a hardcore move for him. He had done some killing in his time but it was mostly animals that he had killed. Not real human beings or demons. Yet, here he was, sneaking around at midnight just to get the weapon that he desired. Now, Atem had warned him about who dangerous he can be when he gets obsessed about something.
That usually just ends up with a sword in the wall, a burned ceiling or wall, or a knife stuck in their arm. Atem has gotten used to this, while Yugi, not so much. So when it's Yugi that gets to face the wrath of Yami, Atem is usually right there when the knife or sword is being thrown. Right now, Atem is currently dealing with a very pissed off Yami. In the aftermath of his killing spree, Atem had to tie his brother down to and chain the chair to a metal post.
"What the hell were you thinking?!" Atem screamed. "Dad did not say that you could get your magic taken from you if you decided that you where going to go on a killing spree. He has to find new guards and knights because of your dumb mistake and your stupid illusion that you can go see that human girl. Give it up! She has someone in her life that she loves. You can't just force your way into her life when you are a complete psycho." Atem snapped. "You are a demon prince. Not some low level demon that feeds of humans. You need to quite this little delusion before it gets out of hand and I am forced to do something that I don't want to do." Atem slammed his fist on the table and watched it break and crumble to the ground.
"Don't make me repeat myself." Atem snapped before walking towards the door. He paused before turning and facing his brother again. "And don't try to get out of the chains. They are made for demons like you." He hissed before slamming the door shut and locking it up. Yami was going completely insane by now. He wasn't the same that he was before. He wanted her by his side and that was the end of it. He didn't care if he had to kill everyone before having her stand at his side. That is, before he realized something.
It was almost like a small dream he had. He stared at the chair that he was chained to before calming down and taking a deep breath. "Atem. Can someone call Atem so I can talk to him." His voice had sounded like he was bottling up something that he didn't want anyone else to see. When his brother came, he could tell that he was still unhappy with him and that was ok. "What is it Yami. I'm busy. Dad wants me training and taking on things that normally he would do." Atem hissed folding his arms. "Can I go see Y/n?" He asked. He tried so hard to restrain the emotion filling his throat. Atem stared him down before sighing. "Don't to anything stupid like kill anyone. If I get word that you kill someone, I will personally end your life." Atem snarled as he took the chains off.
Yami stood and looked to his brother before walking out and towards Y/n's home. "A new child huh. I want to go a say my hellos and chat with the new family." He whispered to himself. As he walked towards the house, he saw their shadows through the window. If his eyes were deceiving him then he wouldn't have moved as fast as he had. He threw the door open to see the girl that he had fallen for, protecting the small child as her 'husband' held a knife over his head. Yami snarled and moved towards them before standing in front of Y/n and the child. "Can I ask what you are doing?" Yami asked. The man gave his reason and before long was cackling like a maniac. Yami narrowed his eyes and called for his father and Atem. When the two arrived, they saw what the man had done and where extremely cross. They took the man away and left Yami and human female alone.
"Are you ok? Did he hurt you? Did he hurt the baby?" Yami kept hitting her with question before she finally stopped him. "I'm fine. Nothing happened. I kept the shield that you gave me a long time ago. It was perfect for this." She said kissing his cheek. Yami smiled before helping her up and holding his finger out to the small child that lay in her arms. "What did you name him?" Yami asked. You smiled before holding the small baby up. "I named him after you." You said. "His name is Yami." You said giving Yami a big smile. He smiled. "Ya. It is cute." He whispered.
A/n: Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

FanfictionJust what the title says. Hope you enjoy! REQUESTS ARE NOW CLOSED AND I WILL NO LONGER BE TAKING REQUESTS! This One-shot book has officially been completed and will no longer be updated. Thanks again for the requests! Love you all! Started: 12/28/2...