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Sorry for the wait! There's plenty worth the wait in this chapter, though 😬

Yugyeom and Bambam returned home after Bambam found a few things that he needed.

He thanked Yugyeom profusely, to which the other replied embarassedly that it was all fine, and he was happy to help.

When they returned, Bambam ran into the backyard and quickly began working on his ship. Yugyeom watched him out of the window for a few minutes until he got bored and then he went and finished some of his homework.

The rest of the day passed calmly and the days following came and went in a similar manner.

"What do you think about space?" Bambam asked Yugyeom one day, about two weeks later.

"I dunno. I always thought it was big and empty. 'Till I met you, that is." Yugyeom leaned on the armrest of the couch and scrolled disinterestedly through his Instagram, not really paying any attention to the conversation.

"What do you think... about visiting space?"

Yugyeom looked sharply looked up with widened eyes. "Well, there really is no reason for me to go to space. It sounds kinda scary."

But he had nothing to lose.

Yugyeom realized this and sighed. "Maybe I would consider it but like I said, there's no reason for me too."

"That's fine, it was just a question." Bambam looked at him with a new light in his eyes and Yugyeom gulped, returning to his phone.

"Uh oka-" his phone rang, and he noticed that it was Euigyeom. He slid the answer button and held it up to his ear.


"Hey! Gyeom! I'm coming back from London soon. As in, I'm about to get on the plane." Eui had left for London about three weeks ago for a special school-sponsored trip. He promised to visit Yugyeom when he came back rather than go directly to his dorm and wait another couple months to spend time with him.

Yugyeom coughed up a fit and Bambam ran over and patted his back.

"You alright, 'lil bro?" Eui asked from the other line.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just surprised. What happened?" Bambam settled down awfully close to Yugyeom and leaned into his side to hear into the phone as well. Yugyeom had noticed a while ago that Bam didn't know it was rude to listen in like that, and he didn't really mind all that much ("there... an ... my class..."), but he did mind him being all pressed up against him ("hey bro!) and warm and soft-

"Are you listening to me, Yugs?"

"Huh- yeah, uh, you were talking about," quick, improvise, "what happened in your class...?"

"Oh, okay." Eui replied, satisfied. "Anyways, I'll be there late tomorrow so try to be home alright?"

"Right, gotcha. Text me when you get into town, kay?" They said their goodbyes and Yugyeom hung up.

"If you didn't know, that was my brother, Euigyeom. He says that he'll be back soon." Bambam scooted over and leaned against the arm of the couch. Yugyeom breathed a sigh of relief.

"So will I get to meet him?" Bambam asked hopefully. Yugyeom could remember Bambam saying that Eui seemed like an interesting person, and that he'd wanted to become his acquaintance and talk to him about what the older thought about space.

"I guess so. There isn't anywhere else to go."

"What about my spaceship? Shall we tell this fak- your brother that I'm an alien?"

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