Chapter 5

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When they got back to the Cullen's house, everybody was either in the living room or out back training. Garrett decided to go talk to some people who were I  the living room, while I went to see how training was going out back. Before we broke away to do our own things, Garrett turned to me and Smiled before gently lifting my hand and placing a soft kiss on it."Goodbye Fair maiden," I laughed and said,"I thought you hated the British." He chuckled deeply before saying,"The one time I try to be formal." I giggles and kisses his cheek saying,"Talk to you later Garrett." I walked out back and sped towards the group training. The group consisted of Emmett,Jasper, Kate, Benjamin, Sabrina, vPeter, Charlotte and Edward. Just as I arrived Edward was sent flying over my head by Emmett, who had seemingly beat everyone else as if it was a competition. I turned towards Kate, who was beside me and teased jokingly," He even beat you Kate? I thought you would have handled it easily." She glared at me playfully before mumbling, but of course I heard it perfectly," It was a no power fight if I had it I would have beaten him with no problems. As we were talking Edward gave up his fight after being tossed into a tree for the fifth time, Emmett turned to the rest of us and Said," Anyone else wanna try and beat the great and powerful Emmett"
I chuckled and stepped out of the small group gathered and taunted,"Give it your best shot." I opened my arms wide in invitation for attack. He smirked at me and cracked his knuckles before charging straight towards me. Just as he was about to grab me I slid under his legs and stood behind him. "C'mon Emmett I'm sure you can to better than that," I take yawned and continued to taunt him. He growled lowly and Charged at me once more, not noticing that I glanced up to make sure the tree branch was where I needed it to be. Just as he was about to grab me, I once more tried to evade him but this time it didn't go as planned, as I jumped to catch the branch, just as I was about to get a grip on the bark he changed his course and jumped also bringing me back to the ground. He hovered over me attempting to pin me to the ground to claim victory but I managed to flip us over and place my teeth over his jugular, claiming victory for my own. There was A chorus of Laughs, claps and hoots as I stood up.and offered him my hand smirking. He looked at me and laughed, making my smug expression turn to one of confusion and before I realized Garrett had picked me up and tossed me threw the air. I spun round mid air and landed on my feet looking at him with a shocked expression making him and Emmett laugh more. I glared at them before A light bulb went off in my head (Metaphorically), I ducked my head down and looked Garrett directly in the eye from behind my eyelashes making him stop laughing and look at me in adoration, I walked towards him slowly.... teasingly and When I reached him I reached up and delicately wrapped my arms around his neck making him look at me confused," What are you planning?" I just smiled at him and placed a gentle kiss on his lips (getting many 'awwws' from the surrounding vamps) making him smile and try to deepen the kiss. But as soon as he did that I unwrapped my arms and flitted off. He groaned and said,"Seriously?!" Making everyone laugh, I giggled and sped back over to him wrapping my arms once again around his neck, feeling him wrap his arms around my waist. I smiled at him innocently and as he leaned in to kiss me again, I let the familiar feeling of flames make it's way up to my lips, though it wasn't noticeable from the outside. As he pressed his lips against mine the heat glared out and burned him, making him yelp and jump away, exclaiming,"Bugger!" I burst into laughter, while everyone else was extremely confused, except for Edward who of course knew my plan from the start and was dying of laughter. Kate spoke up," What the hell just happened?" I was too busy laughing to answer to Garrett did." She bloody burned me!" Everyone else joined in on our laughter. I stopped laughing gradually and walked towards Garrett giving him a proper kiss and pulling away before he could attempt anything. As he leaned in to give me another kiss I put my hand up and water rose off it and straight into his face making me giggle and him open his eyes in surprise. I laughed and flitted off back to the house leaving him and the rest of them in the clearing, Him drenched and the others getting back into a training session. As I walked into the house I saw Renesmee at the piano practising, I smiled softly before I walked towards her and sat gracefully beside her. She looked up from the piano in surprise before speaking softly,"Hello Miss Fall, so you play any instruments?" I nodded slightly before answering," Yes, I played a piano a few years ago but then I switched to Violin." Her face lit up at this and said,"Can you play something for me?" I smiled at her and said," alright but it has been awhile so I might be a bit rusty," as I picked up the Black, violin off its stand beside the piano.

I smiled as I finished playing and signed 'It felt good to play like that again' I turned towards Renesmee with a Smile, she clapped her hands enthusiastically and said," That was amazing Miss Fall." I laughed at her excitement as I set the Violin back on its stand and took a seat beside her again saying," It took many years of practise, more than I'd like to say." She laughed at this and Said," But you look so young and Beautiful Miss Fall," I smiled at her affectionately and ran my hand over her beautiful hair gently while saying," I appreciate that Renesmee and Just call me Fall, miss makes me sound older than I look." She giggled at this and said," Alright," before going back to her practising. I stood up from the piano stool and walked towards the doorway to the living room only to notice Jasper there, smiling Gently at the sight before him. I walked towards him and he moved with me so we were out of earshot of Renesmee bug could still see her. "She really likes you, you know? You're one of her favourites," he smiled fondly at the young girl before turning back as I said,"Yea when this whole thing is over and we all go our separate ways, I will definitely return to see her." He looked at me with sorrow filled eyes, shocking me with his sudden change of emotion. "If... If we get out alive," I shook my head and said,"Don't say that Jasper, I have A feeling this will all turn out alright." He nodded and was about to turn and walk away before he remembered something and said,"By the way, Garrett says he wants you to meet him in the roof." I grin at him and walk past him. As I pass him he says," Don't be turn loud, Renesmee still has to sleep," I turn back to him in shock to see him grinning cheekily before I give him the finger, which only makes him laugh, and flit off and on to the roof, only to see....

If you didn't realise the Video is what J imagine her playing 😊❤

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