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I'm Tangerine. I live in a foster home, I'm 14, I'm hurt.

I have a friend named Anni and her sister Laney.

Laney says, "T, why are you in a chair again?"

I really think Anni's better, because I've told Laney the story, but I haven't told ya, here it goes.

"Oh no! Is she hurt?" said Mrs. G, the nurse. After this day, I was put with a strong dull ache orange with dots cast which they soon had to name me. "How 'bout Tangerine?" said another nurse. They named me Tangerine, which now all the boys in Foster 14A/14B was laughing till I heard something cool.

"Today we are going to Florida. Tangerine, you are getting a family. Maybe." Mrs. Diana said.

                                                             💛💛💛 That's the End💛💛💛

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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