Pilot-That Day 🤐

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Hi my name is Ivy but everyone calls me sloth since I sleep in class all the time, it's not a rude thing though. I've earned that name, I'm proud of it. Now that I'm done with the introduction let's start MY story.  It was a Friday morning, I had just eaten my stuffed hash browns.  I got on the bus and talked to Bay and Alex about the our Soccer game yesterday.  Bay says, " GUYS! DID YOU HER ABOUT THE PEP RALLY TODAY!"  "What period?" I answer.  "5-6th period!" Bay says.  "OH MY GOD YES NO GYM OR MATH!" I  yell just loud enough for the bus drive to hear it, she turns back and yells to be quiet.  "Jeez she woke up on the wrong side of the bed..." snarks Alex.  We arrive at the school I see out school colors, green and gold, and our school like quote? "Do what is right, not easy."  But i'd rather take the easy route, I mean if I actually handed in work i'd be the top of the class.  I'm really good in Chorus & E.L.A since I have a good voice and i'm good at reading.  We go through the day pretty easy.  I'm on the bus back home. Alex and Bay call their moms but they don't pick up so they text them saying they are going to stay at my house for a bit.  We start walking to my hose which is two houses down from my stop. We talk on the way but I cant help notice how empty the street is, it's almost as if it's a Ghost town.  We talk and watch Youtube until my mom got home, but she never did and their parents never called either. They ended up sleeping over.  I gave Bay some clothes but Alex just wore some extra gym clothes he had.  We went to the kitchen but no one was there.  I turn on the tv and go to the news, but it wasn't showing anything?  I was so confused the news is always on at this time, the camera glitches then it goes to a UK midnight news broadcast.  We were horrified to see what had happened.  The news man said, " Attention All kids who are watching,  every adult in the USA  has gone missing.  Don't worry though we will send officers to your home to take you to different countries." We couldn't even eat we were so scared, it was 7:45 when the officers came they grabbed each of us and put us in a bus with other kids.  The officer told us to make some friends because these kids are going with us to the country.  The kids had already felt familiar to us though.  Alex whispers to me, "Those are the kids from our bus." "They must have gotten all the kids from our neighborhood." I reply.   After like 7 and a half hours we finally get to our new home.  Us pulling up gave me deja vu to yesterday when I was complaining about school and my parents but now all I really want is just to have them back.  We walk up and they have us in lines.  "There is something they aren't telling us I can just feel it." "Me too" Bay answers.  "Me three" says Alex.  I'm first in line so i'm first to take the test.  I lay down on a bed like examination table, they take my blood pressure. He goes back to his computer and sighs, he says to his  walkie talkie, "Yep this one has the disease does the other two? They do? Really? Alright i'll send her down."  "What disease?" I scream. "Don't worry about it, i'll fix you." he smiles.  I run up and punch him, I run.  I'm almost to the gate when I see Bay scream and the gate explodes, Bay falls to the ground.  Alex and I pick her up and we run along with 4 others.  "We are the ones who survived the others with the  "disease" are killed on sight but not us."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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