Last chapter for book 2

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BOOK 3 is out ITS CALLEd " I depend on you"
"Hey uh Jack whatcha doing here?"
At this point I was fuming. Noah noticed and began getting worried
"YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU CHEATED ON ZACH YOU FUCKING PRICK" was all I said before I leaped at him throwing punches left and right.

I was done with this. Zach was angel I put him through so much. But Noah put him through Absolute hell

Noah grabbed both of my hands in attempt to calm me down

"Dude chill. What did you except? Zach isn't someone you can love for ever, hell I didn't even love him. You used to date him right? So you know too. Zach is one of those boys that you date for two months but then move on. So just chill" he said causally How dare he?

"You have no right to say that Zach was and is angel the problem was us. Apparently you can't see that" I scoffed and tried to walk away. Noah forcefully grabbed my arm and pulled back.

"Don't ever talk to me like that.Ever Zach is just a kid he'll get over it. On the other hand, you never learn" he said right before he started to force me to the ground and proceeded to hit, kick and whatever was possible to bring me to pain

He picked me up by my throat "you see Jack You can't win" everything around me started to blur my lungs screamed for air and dizziness fill my body right before every thing went. Black someone busted through the door but I was to far gone the only thing on my mind was Zach only Zach

as Corybn and two other police officers busted through the door they were horrified at what they saw the absolute worse case scenario was happening one police officer pulled Noah away from poor Jack a paramedic pulled Jack into a stretcher the only words escaping from jacks mouth before for he completely passed out was " I love you Zach
Ahh book 2 is over book BOOK 3 is out it's callled "I depend on you

Is there any hope for us?|sequel to in my heart|jachary|book twoWhere stories live. Discover now