crystal clear

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december 22nd

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december 22nd

the small town was lively as ever during the holidays. every lamppost was wrapped in the wire of christmas lights, illuminated like the stars that hung in the sky. with the holidays came the high spirits of everyone, including nicholas.

it had been his longest streak of minding his strength against celine since the shoves, and tight grasps began. he hadn't hurt her since before thanksgiving, and for that she was hopeful and she was ecstatic. the only touches from his finger to her skin were gentle and caring which was a huge contrast she had yet to get used to. perhaps it was only the time of year which put him in a delightful mood, or by some miracle, maybe he was beginning to change.

celine was bundled in her warmest garments, hands shoved deep into her pockets while she walked to the market. "good morning, celine. how are you today, honey?" the old man who owned the diner waved at her while fiddling with the keys on his ring to unlock the restaurant. his grey hair was hidden beneath a breton cap and his smile was cheery with his large, rosy cheeks on display.

she smiled and stopped her walk for a brief moment. "i'm doing well, mr. neal, thank you. how are you doing? how's the diner?" she noticed his expression perk up at the mention of his pride and joy of a business. it was something he enjoyed talking about, and he loved when people asked him about it because it made all of the hard work worth it.

"she's doing amazing." his laugh was hearty and sincere while he patted the door. "haven't seen you and nick stop by in a while, how are you love birds doing?" celine was cold, and she was unsure how to answer. things had been so lovely for the past month, but she couldn't help but feel it was all too good to be true. the eggshells she walked on were lessened, but they were still in existence.

"we're lovely. wedding planning is harder than i thought it would be," her light laugh was escorted out with the heat of her breath being visible in the air. only a few more words later, and the two were back on track with their day after bidding the other goodbye.

she admired the day. after all, how could she not? the air was like a cold glass of water after a long night's rest, and the atmosphere was uplifting in every sense. celine adored the young children holding onto their parent's hand with multiple layers wrapped around their bodies and a happy grin on display. everything was the way it should be for the time of year, and she was content.

harry followed the pavement into the town's center with his cat bundled up in a sweater with her blanket in her travel crate. he knew it was cold and kept mumbling to his beloved pet that he was sorry he had to take her out in the winter, but she needed to visit the veterinarian for her checkup. "i'll give you an extra treat after dinner, i promise."

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