Chapter Two

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A/N: I'm on a roll, hopefully tomorrow I can finish the update for Season 6, though that's a two-parter, and it's a little hard to write around everything, especially since I want to write both chapters and post them together. The holiday fics are going to be coming a little faster too, because I want to write fluff. Speaking of fluff, there's some in store for this chapter as well. I have no shame, I want to write fluff. Also, I have yet another story I want to write so if I end up adding another Rucas fic to this long list of things I'm writing, well it just means that you'll get more stories.

Chapter Two - What if I hadn't noticed you too? And you'd never showed up where I happened to be

In the weeks since that fateful night, Riley found herself sneaking off, saying she was going to the library, just to find her way uptown to a café near where Lucas was. It was strange that they would fall into their relationship easily, she was sure that she would still be angry with him over everything, especially with how it had all happened, but in those cold weeks in January they learned that the past was just that, and that they just needed to find their way pass everything. They talked, mostly about the changes that had happened, Riley telling Lucas about what had happened with Zay, and how he was actually Shawn's son, or how Maya's biological father was the superintendent of schools. Lucas told Riley about Pappy Joe's recovery, and how he didn't really do much in Texas, feeling as if he no longer belonged there.

They were now in his apartment, watching television, while Lucas's mom cooked in the kitchen, it was a rare Friday where everyone was busy, so she didn't really have to sneak away, which made her happy. They hadn't moved their relationship forward past the kiss that they had shared at New Year's and it was alright with her, they held hands every once and a while, they had little moments, but their relationship hadn't been defined. Which sometimes worried her, because while they had both agreed on keeping it between themselves, they hadn't said anything official.

"Riley, sweetie, are you staying for dinner today?" Lucas's mother asked from the kitchen. "We have plenty, and I know Lucas would love to spend more time with you." Riley could hear the woman smiling from the other room, Riley had learned from this that Lucas's parents had noticed how closed off he had become over the years, only for him to come back to life around Riley.

"I can stay today, my parents are off to Philly with my little brother, so it's just me and Josh at home, and he's out on a date today," she said to the older woman. Her parents had decided on taking Auggie to visit his grandparents, mostly because they worried about him not getting time with them as they got older. Riley knew her grandparents would be around for a while longer, but she had had more time with them than Auggie, so she thought it was good for him to get to know them better.

Lucas smiled over at her, "Mom's making pasta tonight, which is your favorite," he said, his eyes bright.

"Yes, it is," she couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Oh, and Lucas, I saw Zay's mother yesterday, she asked about you," his mother added, making Lucas stiffen, they wanted the relationship to themselves, and told his parents that much. "I can hear you worrying over there, and no I didn't tell her about you and Riley, but Zay wants to see you so I think you should try and mend your relationship with him too," she finished sticking her head out of the kitchen and giving him a smile. "Not that I understand why you're keeping your relationship secret, but what do I know."

"What are we exactly," Riley asked in a low voice, looking over at Lucas, "I mean are we dating, or is it unofficial?"

She watched as he looked over to where his mother was before getting up and pulling Riley with him. "Mom we're going out for a bit, is there anything you want?"

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