Chapter 14

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A boy standing alone, wherever he goes he is always alone, sometimes there is someone beside him like a respectful subordinate, other than that the boy is always alone.

The boy like to fight strong people, until everyone would be afraid of him. The boy like the school so he always protecting the school. Even he is alone. He is like a cloud that drifting alone in the vast sky.

"Kyoya are you awake?"

When I open my eyes there is a beautiful face appeared in front of me.



Leo tilted his head slightly, I look at his face intensely.

"Kyoya are you okay?"

Leo extend his arm to reach Kyoya forehead but before he could touch, Kyoya grab his hand and pull him to a hug.


"You can now feel my temperature using your whole body."

"I can't! I want to check it normally!"

Leo squirming in my arms, My heart that always cold can feel warmth when I am with Leo, obviously he could easily get out but still he try to not used his strength, he is afraid he would hurt me.

"Stay like this for awhile."

Leo stop squirming and began to relax, I hug Leo tightly checking his existence, if I don't do this I feel like Leo will go somewhere I could not reach. I dream a world where everything is normal except for Leo existence is not there. When did I feel like this? This childhood friend of mine is always lazy and always on his pace, sometimes, cheerful, sometimes cold, but always has a warm heart, We always spar since we are kid, he really don't want to fight me but I always pester him because I know he is strong. No one could be my equal except for him. I don't want a world that has no Leo.

"Kyoya you should let me go now, you need to rest."

I still want to hug him but longer than this will make him only run away from me, I don't want to scare him.

"Okay don't make any noise or I will bite you to death."

"Don't worry, I know but I can't prevent anyone to make noise."

"You can, you are just lazy to move."

"Hehehe you know me very well, by the way I saw a corps- no I mean a unconscious people lying, are they okay?"

"Yeah we just play a game."

"What game?"

"Who made a noise while I'm sleeping, will be beaten."

"Is not that one sided?"

Kyoya just smirk and did not say anything anymore, he was about to lay down and sleep but the door was opened by someone.

"Tsuna, how is your injury?"

"Eh? Ehhhh?! Hibari senpai and Leo senpai, why are the two of you here?"
(I heard there is no one want to be here, the reason is Hibari senpai is here.) Tsuna thought.

"I came here to visit Kyoya and you, I was about to go in your room."

"Hibari senpai is ill?"

"Yeah his fever, worsen but he is okay now. How about you, why are you here?"

" The nurse kick me out of my room because of lambo and the other making so much noise, there is no other room that was available so I was transferred here, umm Senpai why is their a people lying on the floor?"

"Oh thats..."

"Sawada Tsunayoshi don't worry we just play a game, the game is simple, if you make a noise I will bite you to death, by the way the leaves outside that is falling can also wake me up."

"Ehh?- mmmmmhmmmm (how one sided)"

I cover Tsuna mouth before he could heighten his voice, in fact I prevent him to let his words out because I know before the game start he will be beaten.

"Don't make noise."

I put my lips beside his hear to hear me when I saw Tsuna his whole face is red, somehow I can feel a dark aura behind me, I turn around to see and I saw it, a sharp murderous eyes that looking at us.


"Until when are you two going to stay close?"

I did not understand but I took my distance immediately before Kyoya explode. I don't get why do I need to get away when both Tsuna and me is a guy, I can understand if am a girl.

"Now you already saw me and him just go home already if not I will bite you."

"Why would you want to bite me, are you a dog?"

"You want to see how I transform into a wolf instead of dog?"

I did not argue any further and leave the hospital, what a moody guy, how can he transform? If I'm not mistaken Kyoya has no ability to transform.
(Author: No, he did not mean it literally, how can you be so dense?)

Forget it, he is sick right now so I will just let him be, but it is pity that I did not see where everyone make trouble to Tsuna. Soon this peaceful event will end I am looking forward to see Mokuro and his team, I can save them earlier but if I did, he will not be the Mokuro I know and everyone destiny will change I don't want to change it so much that if a mistake is done, I will regret it in the future. Anyway they will be free sooner, I just need to protect everyone from unknown cause.


"(Chuckle) Sometime I think you sound like a Fox, Ryuuki."

"Master are you okay?"


"Because your having a serious face."

I did not know that I ponder so deeply that I did not notice my expression change and made them worry.

"Is that so? Thank you both for worrying about me but I'm fine."

I should stop thinking about this anyway I am strong and I know how to cure everyone so I can save them even if something unexpected happened.

Author notes

Finally an update everyone! m(_ _)m Sorry for not updating for so long, please excuse my disease it is called laziness disease, I also like to update but I don't have motivation but finally I start writing again this morning see I finish it somehow, but still it is short so next time I will try to write longer than 1000 words. Enjoy and thank you for reading.

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