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(JACOB BATALON AND TOM HOLLAND , right now it's Jacob and tom talking , you are not with them at the moment)

"How was it man?" Tom asks Jacob.
"Pretty good, the girl is super funny and laid back!" Jacob says enthusiastically.
"Wow a girl, how old is she like 50?" Tom asks .
"No she's 22 ." Jacob says.
"What? I have never seen that before. Are you shitting around with me Jacob?" Tom says confused.
"No man ! I'm being serious." Jacob says convincingly.
"Well too bad we can't really hang out with people out of our cast." Tom says.
"Yeah man, and she's really cute!"Jacob argues.
"Well pretty or not I think if she's funny and laid back we can all be good friends some way or another." Tom proposes.
"Yeah, try making small talk with her in there . Plus you have the longest time in there with her alone because your clothing is much more important." Jacob says.
"Yeah true, I'll see what happens ."
"TOM HOLLAND you're up next!" an executive shouts.
"Gotta go man , let's see how it goes!" Tom says

(Back to your POV)

"Oh shit it's Tom Holland up next, dont crap yourself (y/n)". You think to yourself.
"Hey, how are you?" Tom asks
"Oh uh, hi I'm doing great!" I say trying to keep my nervousness on the low.
"Ya know , I think my bro Jacob has a crush on you. Well now I can see why haha I thought you were some 60 year old man before I saw you."
He says jokingly.
"Yeah well I sure as hell feel like one with all this traveling." I mention.
"Where are you from?" He asks.
"I am from a small town in France called Marseille." I say.
"Wow , you're French that's neat!" He says.
"Thanks, my brother is a fan of yours by the way." I say
"Wow, that's cool , can I face time him? I always like to speak with my fans ."He says.
"Oh yeah sure! He'd love that." I say happily.
I hand tom my phone and our hands touch I feel something rubs through my body and we both make eye contact.
"Umm, his name is Sebastian by the way." I say trying to make this less awkward.
"Oh ok- umm sorry but did you feel that?" He says confused.
"Yeah, it was weird, maybe I shocked u I was messing around with some wooly material." I say.
"Yeah- Yeah maybe." He says unconvinced.

He calls my brother through face time and Sebastian answers.
"I knew you couldn't go one day without calling your favorite per- oh my god MOMMM - mom look!!" Sebastian starts freaking out.Me and tom bust out laughing.
"Oh my god it's Tom Ho-holland!" He says spastically.
"How are you man?!" Tom says in his Peter Parker voice.
"I've never been better!" He smiles.
"Woooww you've never been better now that I leave?!" I say sarcastically mad.
"You know I miss you , but I'm talking to peter Parker let me have my moment!" He says.
"Whatever Loser!" I say.
Tom is just watching and laughing.
"Well, be good kid . If you stay good who knows maybe I'll keep calling!" Tom says.
"Bye tom!"He says
"Bye Sebastian!" Tom says with a wide grin.

"Hey that was pretty neat of your part!" I say.
"Hey , it's fine I love doing it . I wouldn't imagine my reaction if Tobey or Andrew would've called me!" He says smiling.
"Well it's still pretty great." I smile.
"Well we need to finish these measurements, these are just the superficial ones tho , I think next week is the more personal and exact ones . These are just for an estimate of fabric we need." I say
"So that's all for today?" He asks.
"Yep, that's all."
"Well , it was nice meeting you (y/n)."
"It was nice meeting you too tom." I smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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