An Extended Stay

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Blake currently sat in her apartment, scroll held up to her ear and was talking with a very angry person.

"All I did was tell you to kill that damn beowolf and go! I wasn't planning on paying you, I just thought you guys did it out of the good of your heart! I never knew hunters were so greedy!" Blake tsked, clenching her fist and trying not to snap at the person.

"Listen, I have a home, just like you. I need money to pay off my rent or I don't have a home, and there's one less hunter to help you kill anymore grimm." Blake let out between grit teeth.

"That's no excuse to have me pay you! The contract we signed said that this was being done because you wanted to!" Blake stood up, heading to her coffee table and rummaging around her papers, pulling out the contract they had signed.

"Ah, no ma'am right at the top it says you are required to pay me." The woman went silent and a heavy sigh was then heard a few seconds later.

"I'll send the payment over now." The woman hissed, Blake could hear talking in the background. She hadn't hung up yet so Blake stayed on the line. "I told you she wouldn't fall for it Gerald!"

"Well, if you would stop arguing with everyone within breathing distance then we wouldn't have any grimm, it's your fault, you pay for it." Gerald said. "Also, honey you're still on a call with her."

"Shit!" The line went dead and Blake chuckled. She stuffed the contract into a folder before putting it into a filing cabinet. She heated up some instant ramen and cracked open a can of tuna, her mouth watering at the smell. She mixed the tuna around a bit, waiting for her noodles to be done. She had been eating this meal everyday for a week, and you'd think that someone would get tired of eating the same thing, while she does admit she wishes she had something else, she doesn't have enough wiggle room in her budget to get anything else.

She had taken up more hunting jobs, but all of them took so long to pay or she would have to slide off a couple hundred lien just for hospital bills. Her noodles were ready and she spooned in some tuna and sat down to watch some cheesy rom-com. She ate silently, watching the events play out on the screen, a faunus girl was in love with some other faunus guy, who was a jerk. She realizes that after going on some vacation and being ditched by him, so instead she falls in love with a human? Blake blinked awkwardly at the storytelling of the rom-com, it was horrendous.

She all but screamed when her scroll started buzzing. It was 11pm and an unknown caller ID was displayed on the screen. She answered.

"This is Blake Belladonna,"

"Ugh! Finally, I got the right number. Ms. Belladonna you have a hard number to come by."

"And this is?" There was a bit of silence

"Oh, right! I'm Yang! I was calling to see if you could come down and help out on exterminating some pesky grimm! There's been an increase in them recently and we're not sure why? My sister is out of town right now, so I can't rely on her to get rid of them."

"Ah, right. I'll head down there early tomorrow?"

"Sounds great, i'll text you where I live! But be prepared for a bit of a drive, we're kinda in the middle of nowhere." Blake's lips parted into an 'o' shape.

"Soo, how far out?"

"Just an hour or two drive."

"Alrighty then, can we discuss the terms now instead?"

"Sure thing!" Yang said, Blake could hear some papers shuffling around and the click of a pen. She did the same, pulling her notepad by her side. "There's quite a few grimm lurking around, we've managed to trap most of them, but not all of them."

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