BATIM characters pays a visit.

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Bendy:THEY'RE HERE!!!!!!

Chara:*slaps him* who is it?!

Bendy:*rubs cheek* oww.....why you do that?

Chara:You were extremely annoying.

Blueberry:Never thought my wife would slap you like that.

Bendy:*rolls eyes* Guys, my friends from the studio is paying a visit!

Me:Including Sammy?

Bendy:*gloomy aura* yes.....

Me:Bring them in, Bearberry!

Bearberry:Right! *opens door*

Boris & Alice:Bendy!

Bendy:Boris! Alice! *hugs them*

Boris & Alice:*hugs Bendy back*

Me:Welcome BATIM characters, in the Rainversal Studios!

BATIM characters:Whoa.

Cranberry:You can take a tour of this studio while the squad and I will go to the krew there.

Bendy:Alright! Let's go guys!

The BATIM characters followed Bendy everywhere to look and explore the studio. Which the studio has 40 rooms. Yes, 40.

Timeskip 'cuz meh lazy~

Bendy:You guys can walk and play around the studio but NOT trashing it, that includes you Butcher Gang.

Butcher Gang:Fine......*discuss about something*

Boris:Well me, Bendy & Alice has some catch up to do. Let's meet at the front door when we are gonna go home.

BATIM characters except Butcher Gang:Ok!

Charley:Hehehe, let's go boys. Let's steal some of this owner's treasure and money. We can be rich!

Barley & Edgar:Yeah!

Of course, the butcher gang went searching to find treasures so that they can be rich but.....will they even succeed? Let's go to Sammy & Norman(Projectionist).

Norman:So Sammy, still fanboying over Bendy?

Sammy:Oh senpai~ I'll make him notice day.

Norman:You know Bendy is with someone else, right?

Sammy:*gloomy aura* nooooo.....senpai has been taken.....*shakes Norman rapidly* WHO TOOK HIM?!

Norman:Cuphead & please let go!

Sammy:Sorry. *sigh* I wish senpai would notice me.

Norman:You will. Welp, gotta go & look around. Coming Sammy?


Let's get to the Butcher Gang.

Barley:Where is this treasure room?

Edgar:I can't find it!

Charley:There! *points at the treasure room door*

Barley:Come on, guys! We'll be rich!

Edgar:Let's go!

Charley:*runs to the door & tries to open it* it won't budge!

Edgar:Let me try. *tries to open with his 6 legs but failed*

Barley:I'll try. *again tries to open* dang it!

Charley:Who owns this stupid place anyway?!


Butcher Gang:*turned around*

Charley:Who are you?

Me:I believe that is MY treasure room. Don't you understand the sign? 'DON'T COME IN UNLESS TOLD TO DO SO'.

Barley:Meh who needs it?

Me:The squad.

Charley:Who? You and a group of scaredy cats?

Butcher Gang:*laughing*

Me:Nope. This squad.

Squad:*walks up around them*

Rainberry:Well, well, well.

Bearberry:Look who it is!

Cranberry:The Butcher Gang.

Dewberry:Come here to steal our sister's treasure eh?

Charley:Hah! A squad of girls?



Barley:SHE is owner. *points at me*

Charley:Oh? So you're the owner? Who needs a teenage girl to own this place?

Me:Edgar & Barley, you are forgiven. Go on to the front door.

Charley:Wait what?

Rainberry:Do you know what will happen if someone messes with our older sister?

Bearberry:They get.....


Dewberry:By the squad.

Charley:Let see if you girls are strong enough. *crosses arms, looking smug*

Me:*transforms then chokes him*


Krew:What's going on here?


Me:*chokes him harder* This is not the end, son of a biscuit.


Me:*lets go* now, get going!

Charley:*runs away like a little kid*

Rainberry:Nice one, sis.

Me:Yep. *transforms back*

To da front door.

Boris:Thanks for letting us visit.

Bendy:You can visit anytime!


Edgar:Calm down, Charley.

Barley:Can we go now?

Boris:Yep. Let's go!

Squad & Krew:Bye!!

Others:Thanks for visiting!

Bendy:I'll see ya guys soon!


Oh my god, this is so crappy ;-; After this, I think I'm gonna take a break. I ran out of ideas now. I will come back soon, don't worry.

I'll see ya guys next time!👋

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