Make A Wish

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It❜s never that time of year, he told himself, dismissing yet another idiot in an elf costume with an airy wave. The awfully cheery, naive Santa slave wannabes milled around the shopping complex, handing out candy to equally naive children and adults alike.

❝Don❜t touch me.❞ Jace❜s glare could❜ve reduced Olaf to a puddle. The elf slinked away, shoulders sagging dejectedly. ❝I hate Christmas,❞ he muttered to himself, dodging another elf who emerged from Marks & Spencer. Jace swore he❜d slap the next one who tried to offer him season❜s greetings and a candy cane.

He made a beeline for Hamleys, inwardly cringing at his hypocrisy. But it❜s not like he wanted to acknowledge the holidays. He hadn❜t a choice. At least, not in his mother❜s eyes. Mrs. Stanton would❜ve castrated her son had he forgotten to buy gifts for his nephew and niece. Adam and Eve wouldnt have missed a Barbie doll and a set of Lego Technics as much as Jace hated shopping this time of year, he thought, but who was he to argue the old bat❜s mandate?

He held up a hand as he crossed the threshold into the Hamleys outlet, signalling Mrs. Claus and the cashier elf to back off. Expelling a sigh, he trudged toward a shelf of Barbie and Ken dolls, subconsciously snickering at the gayness of the latter.

Not that Jace condoned the stigma. He❜d endured enough stereotypes himself. Rarely did he meet someone who understood the term bi-romantic demisexual, much less respected it. He❜d be written off as gay, or weird.

His untameable cynicism and sarcasm were all he had going for him. ❝May I help you, sir?❞ asked an elf crouched in the aisle, amidst sorting new arrivals.

❝I recommend that you help yourself first,❞ Jace shot, unapologetic, in spite of how cute this particular elf was. He couldn❜t have cared less about the boy❜s precious smile, or how it vanished at his tactless response. He couldn❜t be bothered that the elf, whose name tag read Caleb, looked genuinely hurt.

Jace perused the aisle, eyes scanning the diversely dressed dolls, ignoring the elf❜s fallen features and the jingle that chimed through the speakers. Evidently, however, Caleb hadn❜t taken the hint.

❝Shopping for a kid? I❜d recommend something less slutty,❞ he said, to which Jace placed bikini Barbie back on the rack, gritting his teeth. ❝Unless you❜re shopping for yourself,❞ Caleb trailed on, ❝in which case I think you❜d prefer shirtless Ken.❞

Jace scoffed, shooting the elf a filthy look. ❝You think I❜m gay?❞

❝Not gay,❞ Caleb said, lifting his palms diplomatically. ❝I don❜t like labels. I'm just saying, your eyes drifted to surfer Ken as soon as you got here. Don❜t blame you.❞

Jace raised a brow. ❝Shouldn❜t you be working, not flirting?❞

It was Caleb❜s turn to scoff. ❝I wasn❜t flirting.❞

❝God forbid I ever experience your actual flirting, then.❞ Jace lifted cheongsam Barbie off the shelf, not meeting Caleb❜s eyes. His wit piqued the Jace❜s interest, an alluring trait in Jace❜s eyes. Intelligence was hard to resist.

❝I assure you, you❜ll never get to experience it.❞

Jace pressed his lips into a tight line, jaw clenched as he turned to bore his cold eyes into the elf❜s. ❝Don❜t you have Barbies to sort?❞

❝Kens, actually.❞

❝Got it. Now, leave me alone.❞

Caleb❜s eyes lingered on Jace for a moment, but he returned to sorting the toys nonetheless. For as long as he could suppress his snarky comments, at least. ❝I pity the child whose Christmas gift is that.❞ He scrunched his nose, squinting at the hideous Raggedy Ann clutched in Jace❜s fist.

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