I tried but I didn't.

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I was in the far past or a distant future, and I was in a kind of society of boys and girls (probably from ages 10 - 17). It was almost like an orphanage or school and I don't believe anyone was allowed out. Everyone was told to act a certain way and be 'normal' I guess. But, of course, there were the group(s) that didn't want to abide by this rule. the punishment if you didn't follow this rule was unknown, all we know is that you're taken away.

Then there was a boy I was quite close to, who didn't want to go by the rules. However, he kept these thoughts in secret and told very few of his close friends.

When the day came to call out the so called 'sinners' there was the usual group of strong willed rebles who stood up as if they were the first. They took this one chance to dress as themselves and stand up in front of everyone with pride before they would be forced to leave. Then the boy's name was called out, and I didn't know what to say or do. I held his hand for a while as we both looked at each other knowing exactly what the other was thinking - goodbye. I heard people start to talk, unimpressed at my caring gestures towards the boy. He started to get up but I kept a firm grip on his hand; I didn't want him to go. I gradually let go gathering the fact it was no use and that anyone could call me out aswell.

A week later I was told he begged for forgiveness so the people in charge decided to give him another chance and let him live punishment-free in the hospital where he would be lectured instead. I tried to contact him, I tried every way possible- but I guess I never saw him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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