Part 4

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It was raining hard, the petite figure still curled up inside her blanket. The evening felt way comfortable for her to leave, her eyelids were getting heavier. She drifted, deep in her slumber. After couple hours, those big eyes blinked, once, twice and she jolted. Jieun was late; she looked at her clock, 9 PM.

"OH MY GOD!" She rushed herself to bathroom and ran in switch.

Her steps were getting wider; she needed to catch up the bus to the library. It was still raining yet not as hard as before, the street around the library seemed quiet. He was there, waiting for her in front of the library with his favorite hoodie. She observed the figure made her curious, she had never been curious with someone else except books. Jieun had always been too busy to pay much attention to people, she liked her own world. He somehow kept rubbing his arms and palms, it must be freezing there. Jieun was a bit hesitating at first but she needed to give his umbrella back and of course to know his name.

"Hello?" She talked awkwardly, "Why are you still here?"

"Waiting for you?" He flashed a silly smile.

"Uh— I'm sorry, I was overslept. Here your umbrella, I'm sorry for using it again instead of you."

"It's alright though; I did lend it to you."

A short silence lingered between them, Baekhyun was too nervous to talk and so did Jieun. They might talk quite a lot yesterday but today seemed different.

"Then, I'll be off." Jieun spoke.

"I'll walk you home then." Baekhyun absentmindedly answered.

"No, no, it's alright. I usually walk alone, so don't mind me. You must be freezing and tired."

"No, it's too late and there's no one here because it's raining. It's too dangerous for you to walk home alone."


Baekhyun already opened his umbrella and walked pass her even before she wasn't even done with her answer.

"Come on, it's getting late. You'll catch cold."

Jieun didn't answer; she did open her umbrella and walked along with Baekhyun. It was all silence before Jieun braced herself to start the conversation.

"I'm Lee Jieun."

"I know." He chuckled.

"What do you mean you know?" She frowned.

"Everyone at the library knows you though, the girl that never absent to go to library."

"I— well, yeah. I love going to library."

"I know."

"And you? What is your name?"

"Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun." He answered lightly then turned his face to her, "So, I guess this is your home then, Jieun?"

Jieun only blinked, she was taken aback. How could the guy in front of her knew a lot about her.

"Sorry for asking this but are you a stalker?" She tilted her head.

Baekhyun laughed, he was laughing a little bit too hard.

"I'm sorry—" He managed his laughter, "No, I'm not a stalker, I just happen to know that this is your home."

Jieun's face was all as red as tomato, she did absentmindedly speak without even consider it first.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to accuse you, I just—"

"It's alright! Don't mind it! So, good night Ji. See you tomorrow at the library?

Again, Jieun hadn't answered yet but Baekhyun had already walked away, after several steps, he turned around and flashed a warm smile to her.

"I'll bring chocolate bubble tea tomorrow."

He then waved his hand and continued his steps, Jieun was still there, dumbfounded. Who is this Baekhyun guy? How did he know her favorite? A lot of questions were spinning around her head. Her short legs swung toward her door. Her home didn't feel like home, there was no one beside her. Unlike the library, her home was all cold and quiet.

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