13- psycho

40 11 6

The knife glistened in the dim lights as he brought it near me.
I whimpered "Don't hurt me. I'll do anything, Please."
My begging only seemed to instigate him,
As he smiled and slid his knife on my knees.

Making a dancing line of trickling blood,
he stopped at the middle of my thigh.
Giving me a sinister smile he quickly plunged it in,
And the intensity of the pain turned my whimpers to a cry.

This can't be real. I had escaped him. This must be a dream.

Suddenly he was no longer standing in front of me,
And I was not tied to a chair.
Instead I was hanging from the ceiling by my hands,
Clothes on, no wounds in sight and my hair in a ponytail.

Grinning he came in view with a whip in his hand,
"Don't cry, my darling. I'll slowly kill you because your cries are too melodious for me."
He forcefully striked my back with a whip and I knew it must have left an angry bruise.
I didn't scream because this man was a psycho, a sadist who would only find happiness from my painful please.

Open your eyes, Dammit! It will all end. You are safe in your house, away from him. It's a nightmare same as the one you get every other day.

Swiftly opening my eyes after a lot of struggle,
I tried to calm my rapidly beating heart as I stared at my room's ceiling.
And then I heard a voice and my brain seemed to stop working.,
"I must say I missed hearing you scream, darling"


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