Once inside the Bunker, Frank spoke again.
"Leo has something to tell you, Hazel," he said, with a blush and a smile.
"Well, Leo. What is it?" Hazel's soft voice said. Leo looked down and scuffed his shoes against the floor.
"Um, I- just wanted to let you know th-that, ah... I'm in love with you both...and this is really hard to say because I've never loved two people at the same time and I just love the way your hair is just the right amount of poofy and how Frank is so sweet and cute and the both of you are just really attractive an-"
"We're in love with you, Leo." Hazel had cut him off, made his hands catch fire, and made a smile brighten his face all at the same time just with that comment.
Frank and Hazel leaned in and kissed Fire Boy's cheeks, resulting in his face going red. Frank stayed behind and kissed Leo's warm lips, while Leo kissed back.
Hazel pinched both their butts and Leo kissed her too.
The three hiked back to camp, all holding hands and blushing.