"im fine. yeah aside from the not sleeping, the jumpiness, the overwhelming crushing fear something terrible is gonna happen."
"its called hyper vigilance. the constant fear of being under threat."
"but its not just a fear. its like a panic attack. i- i can't even breathe."boiii do i relate to this one!
i once took a test in my teen issues class about my 'self destructive behavior' and my number one was hyper-vigilant.
i self destruct with my hyper-vigilance?
i don't really get it either.
all i know is i relate to this one. im in a constant state of fear that someone is against me. until now i just thought it was anxiety. never stopped to think it could be something more...
let's just give me another med to suppress that as well!
can you tell I'm salty right now?
yeah ~ welp ~ more to come