Chapter 1: Growing Up

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Meliodas walked through his elementary school with a smile on his face, his green backpack on his back and a trail of elementary girls following behind him, the young boy was already popular with this girls even on his first day, the teachers laughed a little seeing the little girls trail behind the boy, 2 boys joined Meliodas, they were his neighbor friends Ban and Harlequin, the girls started to disperse when a neighbor girl named Diane joined the 3 boys the four children chatted away as they walked into their classroom the teacher smiling at the four students who took their seats in the corner together and chatted away.

"Meliodas, do you have a crush on anyone?" Diane asked the blonde boy as she looked at him a small blush on her cheeks.

"Yeah, her name is Elizabeth, she has pretty silver hair and blue eyes." Meliodas spoke in a happy tone the others were confused as to who the girl was but they quickly assumed that she was an imaginary friend and pushed it off as a joke.

They continued through school like that and the idea of Elizabeth continued to play all the way to 5th grade where Meliodas introduced a last name to the mysterious Elizabeth girl.

"Her whole name is Elizabeth Liones, but I'm the only one allowed to call her Ellie." The blond spoke smugly while smirking.

-6th Grade-

"Meliodas, why don't you get a girlfriend? Every girl in our grade fauns over you, and you don't have one so I don't see why you don't." The tall ice blue haired boy spoke as he walked with Meliodas, Harlequin and Diane joining the two boys shortly after.

"Ban don't pressure him, he doesn't want a girlfriend cause he's got Elizabeth..." Harlequin teased as he looked to Meliodas who only gave off a cheeky grin to his friends.

The blonde was really starting to convince them that this was a real girl, he told them about her, how she matured a little earlier than most girls, once it came down to it he'd probably have to find a girl to play the part, but that would have to wait till high school, he wasn't going to put in that much effort right now, he was to focused on his social life to find a girl to play the part of a girl he'd made up to impress everyone.

"Hey, Mel, when are we going to be able to meet Elizabeth? I'd love to have another girl in our friend group." Diane spoke which made Meliodas panic a little bit before replying.

"She said she's going to try to convince her parents to move out here and that she'll be here as soon as she can get here, but it could be a while..."

-Senior Year-

Meliodas had heard that there was a new girl coming to their school over the years they recruited a few friends into their group their names being Merlin, Escanor, and even Harlequins little sister Elaine who was dating Ban which Harlequin did not approve of but delt with anyways, they all sat in the classroom waiting for the new student who stumbled through the door, she had silver hair and blue eyes, much like the imaginary girl Meliodas had made up and was now known all over the school as the mysterious girl Meliodas knew.

"Class, this is our new transfer student, be nice to her or you'll get detention." The teacher Mr.Hendrickson spoke, the girl stood up after picking up the stuff she'd dropped from tripping into the room, clearly a very very clumsy girl.

"Mel, she looks just like the girl you have bragged about since we were kids, she's like famous around the school now so if this girl has the same name wouldn't that mean that she knows you." Harlequin spoke as he looked at Meliodas who only looked at the girl with a shocked expression, he never thought he'd see a girl that looked just like his description and she was everything he described and more, she had her hair covering one eye which was something he'd never imagined.

"I'm Elizabeth Liones, it's nice to meet you all, and I hope we can be good friends." The silver haired girl spoke making everyone's eyes widened although, Meliodas was in the most shock, how had he described her perfectly and even got the name right without ever meeting this girl, everyone turned their heads to Meliodas who was just as shocked as anyone else was.

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