Chapter 10

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Sorry it took so long to update! My life has been pretty hectic so I haven't had time to update!

Elizabeth walked into her home Meliodas staying at her side as she walked not wanting her to tumble to the ground or anything afraid she would get more hurt than she already had been, her father smiled as he saw meliodas at her side, when the two got to Elizabeth's bedroom she lied on the bed and looked up at meliodas patting the bed for him to lay with her she'd grown so used to him being in the same bed as her that it felt odd not having him there in bed with her, would this become a bad habit? Maybe, but did she care? No, not particularly, she couldn't admit it to herself but she really did love him, he was her everything.

"You really want me to lay with you?" He asked as he looked to the girl he loved oh so much, though he wouldn't admit that to himself either, he couldn't fall for her, it was against the rules, even though none of those mattered anymore, the girl was his soulmate, he was bound to love her from the very beginning of time.

"Yeah, just lay down you goof." She spoke scooting over and making more room for him, she closed her eyes as she lied there, she was exhausted from having spent so much time in the hospital.

Meliodas crawled in the bed next to the goddess he could now call his own, she was so peaceful as she slept, he'd never get tired of seeing her sleeping face, she was beyond beautiful, he would protect her until the end of time if they were given that long, he hoped they could one day have a child, he wouldn't have to worry about her so much if they had a little one running around, he thought about maybe talking to her about having a child before their wedding just so that she would at least be alive for the wedding, he shook his head thinking that she'd never agree to such a thing, she'd get so angry and he didn't think he was ready to deal with an even more emotional Elizabeth.

The blonde watched as she slept and combed his fingers through her hair, he loved her so much, she was his world, even if they'd just met and he'd been making her up for all these years, now having her at his side, was surreal. The next morning was even more crazy because she was right there in front of his eyes and he loved it, he loved her, she was his dream girl, his soulmate more so than anything, her eyes opened and she smiled a little as she saw him, one golden goddess marked eye and one sky blue eye staring right into his emerald green eyes. Meliodas gave her his signature grin and she blushed a little, she was really happy with him.

"Good morning princess." The blonde almost child looking boy spoke as he looked at the silver haired girl, not only was she happy, he was too, he could get used to waking up to her face every morning, it was almost eye opening when he saw her, just like his imagination had come to life.

"Good morning Meliodas..." She spoke softly as she looked at him leaning closer and hugging onto him gently, she nuzzled her head into his chest as she held onto him tightly. "I had a weird dream, it was of the future...we were married but the world around us didn't seem happy, we were always fighting and everything was just awful, our lives were full of nothing but struggles, it looked like I will last a few more years but it's like we were mostly stressed because...well..." She blushed a bit and closed her eyes tightly she didn't know what to say, she held onto him tightly.

Meliodas knew what she was talking about, they would probably struggle to have a baby, she probably would have some health issues that came along with her curse, or maybe she'd always just have health problems. Thats what he was the most concerned about he didn't want to see her suffer, she was the most important thing to him, her health was the #1 thing to him, especially if it made her unable to have a child, her death would be the most traumatic thing for him.

"It's alright, I wont let anything happen to you or our future together. We will be happy and I'll make sure of it." He spoke trying to reassure both himself and her, she was clearly scared of their relationship falling to shambles.

"Alright...I'm just scared...that...if I have all these health issues that pop up...that me not having a child could ruin everything..." She spoke softly as tears started to run she was worried, and scared, all at once, she didn't know what to think, would there relationship really fall apart just because of that, would they really get to a point where they would be so desperate for a child they'd even start fighting over it.

"I know, I know your scared but your going to be alright as long as you have me around to protect you and our future together." He spoke as he kissed her forehead, he was going to protect his girl till the end of time no matter what was at stake.

Elizabeth nodded and smiled a little as he kissed her forehead, she was so in love she couldn't even bring herself to say it, her heart was pounding so loudly that she could hear it in her ears and her face was so warm that her face felt like it was on fire, her love ran deep in her bones, after thousands of years, she felt like she was finally finding true happiness, she didn't even know what to say anymore, she was sincerely speechless.

"Meliodas, I can't thank you enough." She spoke softly as she held onto him even tighter.

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