New Years Special

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It was new year's eve, a night to celebrate, a night to have fun, to be with friend's and family, though two teens spent their time together, they were to be married in a few months time so they were determined to spend as much time together as possible and it was obvious that they were already in love after knowing each other for a little under four months, they were sitting on the couch of the home that they were given by their families as a Christmas gift, they didn't sleep in the same room unless Elizabeth had a nightmare about her eye taking over and went to Meliodas for comfort, which was every other night, but they couldn't tell their families that since it would be looked down upon.

"Elle? You alright?" Meliodas asked as he looked to his fiancé who looked quite distressed at the moment, he knew what to do if something went wrong with her eye or it started to take over due to her forgetting her medication, Bartra had made him very aware of how to take care of Elizabeth.

"Yeah, Just light headed." She mumbled as she leaned her head onto his shoulder, she was exhausted and didn't have much energy left in her despite having been on winter break for the last week and a half.

"Do you want me to carry you to bed? We don't have to stay up to midnight." He spoke as he looked at her prepared to pick her up and take her to her room if he had to, she shook her head as she looked to him with a smile.

"No, weren't we invited to a party at Dianes?" Elizabeth asked as she looked at him, which he nodded and looked back towards the tv which was playing an older Christmas movie.

"Yeah, but if you're not feeling well, I don't want to force you to do something when you don't feel well." She shook her head and went to stand up, stumbling back and onto the couch Meliodas catching her head from hitting the back of the couch.'

"Actually, maybe we shouldn't go." She spoke softly as she looked back at him her eyes half lidded and very tired.

The blonde nodded in agreement, he didn't want to have her under to much stress, especially since he'd planned to give her the ring he'd spent the last months since figuring out he was engaged to her. he didn't want to see her upset or hurt or hurt her, he wanted to make her happy.

"Alright, we won't go, but I'm not going to have you sleep alone tonight, when you get like this you have nightmares so you're just going to end up in my bed anyways in the middle of the night." He spoke as he picked her up and carried her to the balcony of their apartment which overlooked the city lights of Liones.

"Why are we out here? We'll get sick." She spoke as she looked at him, she wondered why they were out on the balcony Meliodas pulled out a velvet box opening it showing an expensive looking ring to her and her eyes widening as she looked at him.

"I wanted to give you this before the year ended, you are my fiancé after all, I want to show the whole school and world that you're mine." He spoke as she looked at her with a smile, he put the ring on her left hand and smiled as the ring fit perfectly, he was beyond happy that she was going to marry him.

"Meliodas it's beautiful." She spoke as she looked at him and he picked her up carrying her back inside, he was happy that he could show the world that she was his, it wasn't like the world hadn't learned of their engagement with them always being together and their car crash not even hours after they were told they were engaged.

"Good, it's just as beautiful as you." He spoke as he looked at her with a wide smile, he kissed her cheek then set her on the bed climbing in next to her, he turned on the tv in his room so that they could watch Christmas movies till the year ended.

They both remained relaxed her head in his chest and her eyes half lidded his arm around her as they lied back, they both watched as the time on his phone changed to midnight Elizabeth looking up at him with a smile and the two shared their first kiss, fireworks went off between their lips and outside their window, colored lights going off lighting up their room along with the light of the tv. The two pulled away with a smile on their faces, Meliodas pulled her back into another kiss, they had just broken one of their rules and didn't care at all, they pulled back again and smiled even more as they looked at each other.

"There goes another rule. Though, we've broken most of those at this point." She spoke as she placed a hand on his cheek, she only had love in her eyes when she looked at her prince charming.

"Yeah, I've already fallen for you very hard, and now you're wearing a ring I put on your finger." He grabbed her hand kissing the back of it as he laced their fingers together, he loved her, and he wasn't afraid to admit it.

"I've fallen for you as well, I can't not say that I don't love you after everything thats happened." She spoke as she closed her eyes and started to fall asleep against his chest, she was exhausted and needed her rest.

"Get some rest princess, I'll be here when you wake up." He spoke as he looked at her with a smile, he didn't want her to feel unsafe going to sleep, he would always be at her side, no matter what happened to him.

The next morning the two woke up tangled together, with a million messages from their friends asking where they were and why they weren't at the party the night before, the two laughed as they leaned up and gave each other another kiss, smiling as they did so.

"We better respond to them, they'll freak out more if we don't respond." Elizabeth spoke as she looked back at her phone screen and started to respond to the girls which were Diane, Elaine, and Merlin.

After responding the two got up Meliodas wrapping his arms around her from behind the two walking out and making breakfast, neither having been very good cooks her being the lesser of two evils when it comes to food. Meliodas laughed a little as he watched Elizabeth cook, she looked like she knew what she was doing this time and that it wouldn't turn out to bad.

"My father invited us to a lunch later today, I think he wants to talk about the wedding." She spoke as she looked to her fiancé with a smile, she was so happy to live knowing that she'd have him at her side, her life would be made a lot easier with him there.

"Okay, thats fine, we can go, I'm sure the others can wait a few more days to know the big news." Meliodas spoke laughing as he thought about the others reactions to their engagement, most of them would probably be shocked at the pair were taking such large steps even if it wasn't by choice, and not only were they getting married but they'd have to become parents within months of their wedding just so that Elizabeth could live.

"Are you nervous at all about this whole thing? The arranged marriage, being forced to have a child just after high school just so I can live..." That was the hardest part for her, she'd degraded herself so much that she didn't believe she was anything more than a burden on everyone, none of their friends knew about her curse and they still thought she was half blind.

"No, I'm actually pretty excited for it all, I mean, I get to marry the one I love, and having a kid with that woman only makes the deal a million times better." He spoke walking over and hugging her again, the silver haired girl had a very bright red blush on her face, she knew that once she had a child her body would be pretty much destroyed, but it would be worth it because she would be able to live and spend her life with meliodas.

"Well then I guess we better get planning, but one thing before I serve breakfast for both of us, Happy new year Meliodas." She held the plates as Meliodas reverbed the words back to her and she leaned down and kissed his lips once more before setting the plates down for the both of them to soon feast on.

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