Chapter Twenty-Three: Forgive Yourself

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Hailey brushed some hair from her face as she carefully helped Kaitlyn into bed, she smiled softly as she pressed a kiss to her daughter’s head; it had been a long day and she was exhausted.

Gerard’s parents were still downstairs and were quietly enjoying some television while the twins were put to bed; Marc was the only person who had left since he was going for a drink with some mates.

“Buenas noches,” Hailey whispered as her little girl fell asleep, she watched her for a moment before she turned on the nightlight and left the room; she made sure to switch off the ceiling light as she left the room.

Hailey stopped as she spotted Amador waiting for her, she hadn’t really said much to him and she was aware that he still didn’t like her; she was suspicious about why he was here.

“We need to talk,” Amador said as he signalled for Hailey to follow him into the master bedroom, he didn’t want anyone to interrupt them and he needed to do this while he had the chance.

Gerard was still putting an overexcited Garrett to bed and he would be busy for a few more moments; it gave Amador time to speak to Hailey about her relationship with the footballer.

Hailey warily followed after Amador, she was sure what was going on but she didn’t trust him; they weren’t on the best terms and probably never would be.

Hailey shut the door over as she stepped into the bedroom, she watched Amador as he looked around the room; she couldn’t help but rest a hand on her still flat stomach.

“I guess you know why I’m here,” Amador said as he turned to look at Hailey, he wasn’t going to beat around the bush and it was time that he was at least honest. Hailey nodded as she watched him, it had something to do with her parents and she know why anyone would get involved with them.

“I don’t like you Hailey and I never will,” Amador said as he stared at the blonde that would never be good enough for his family; he wasn’t ever going to change his mind on that fact.

Hailey nodded her head, she wasn’t expecting him too and she deserved it after what she had done to Gerard; she was still surprised that she was married to such a wonderful man.

“However for some odd reason my grandson loves you, so I am doing this for him,” Amador said making himself clear, he didn’t want Hailey to think that he would do anything for her.

Hailey deserved the worst sort of punishment for what she had done to Gerard and she was going to get it one day; however Amador wasn’t going to be the one to give it to her.

“Your parents have a plan Hailey and I was going to help hand you over to them,” Amador admitted, he didn’t feel guilty about what he had planned; he would do anything to see Gerard happy even if for now it was too be with the blonde backstabber.

Hailey stood quietly as she listened, she was all too aware what her parents wanted; she just feared what they were planning to do to get that.

Amador watched her, he was going to make sure that Hailey was going to keep Gerard happy even if it meant that she wasn’t.

“I never meant to hurt Gerard… I hate myself for what I did to him,” Hailey said as she looked down at her hands, she wasn’t sure if she could ever forgive herself for all the hurt that she had caused.

Amador snorted, she had known what she was doing when she married her last husband and run off with the twins; now she had to pay for that.

“Well you did and I have no idea how Gerard forgave you,” Amador said shaking his head, he wasn’t trying to be cruel to her; he was just being honest and he hoped Gerard would always doubt Hailey.

Hailey flinched as she closed her eyes, she took a shaky breath as she held back the tears and she wasn’t sure how to respond to Amador’s harsh words.

The two were silent for a moment as they allowed their talk to sink in, this wasn’t going to be an easy talk and they both knew it.

“And I will support my grandson in any way that I can,” Amador said he sat down on the bed as he watched Hailey, he had to remember why he was doing this otherwise he would say something that he shouldn’t.

Hailey opened her blue eyes and looked at Amador, she didn’t know what was going on but she knew that Amador was speaking to her in private for a reason.

“I hate to say this… but if you want a future with Gerard then you need to forgive yourself,” Amador said as he stared at Hailey, he had been planning to guilt her into leaving Gerard but now he couldn’t do it; he wanted Gerard to be happy.

Hailey swallowed as she looked at Amador, she didn’t know why he was asking her such a thing; she would never be able to forgive and forget even if Gerard seemed able to.

“If you don’t then your parents will win... it’s time to let go of your past,” Amador said as he stood, it was too quiet and he had a feeling that Gerard was listening; he didn’t want to cause more trouble than he already had and he had said his part.

Hailey shook her head, she didn’t think she deserved forgiveness and Amador had confirmed that she didn’t; she would spend the rest of her life paying for a mistake that she had made.


Gerard stood outside of the bedroom door listening to his grandfather talk to Hailey, he felt anger bubble in his stomach as he realised why Amador had come to Christmas; he couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it coming.

Gerard closed his eyes, he hadn’t realised that Hailey hadn’t forgiven herself for what had happened between them; he had long since forgiven her and wished she could do the same.

What had happened wasn’t her fault and Gerard would do anything to make her see that this was all down to her parents; he had spent the last ten weeks thinking about what had happened to them.

Natasha and Harold were manipulative and they had blackmailed Hailey into leaving him, they had ruined things between the couple and were still trying to steal Hailey away.

Gerard couldn’t help but feel furious as he realised that something needed to be done, his marriage to Hailey wasn’t stopping this and he needed to do something.

A plan slowly formed in Gerard’s mind as he leant against the wall, he wasn’t going to allow Harold or Natasha to get away with any of this; it was time that the world knew what they were like and he knew just how to do it.

Gerard looked at the bedroom, he would talk with Hailey later about her unwillingness to forgive herself; but right now he had to speak to his father.

Joan would be a great source of help since he had skills that Gerard needed right now, it would help him put an end to Harold and Natasha’s threat to his family; this couldn’t be allowed to continue.

Gerard ran a hand through his hair, he was sure that when he was finished with Harold and Natasha that they would never come back.

Hailey was his wife and the mother of his children, nothing they could ever do would change that and Gerard was going to fight fire with fire.

If Harold and Natasha thought that there fake rumours and police reports were one thing, Gerard couldn’t wait to see what they would do when he told the truth about all that they had done.

It would ruin them and make them pay for all that they had put him and his family through. 

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