Epilogue: Baby Piqué Álvarez

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August 2014 seemed to approach a lot faster than Gerard and Hailey had expected and everything had quietened down after the arrest of Hailey’s parents; they were both serving time in prison for what they had done.

Gerard smiled sipping on the horrible coffee that he had gotten from the hospital canteen, he wrinkled his nose walking back to Hailey’s hospital room.

Hailey was currently in labour with the couple’s third child and Gerard couldn’t wait for the moment that the little girl was born; he was excited that everything had worked out.

Hailey peeked at her husband as he walked into the room, it wasn’t going to be as long as the twins labour; she smiled at him knowing how excited he was about all of this.

“How are you feeling?” Gerard asked softly, he felt bad that she was in pain and he hoped that everything would be okay when their daughter was born.

Hailey laughed softly, it had only been a couple of hours since her water had broken and she was slowly preparing to give birth; she knew he was worried but she was perfectly fine.

“I’m okay… I just can’t wait for her to be born,” Hailey said watching Gerard take his seat, the twins were with his parents and she knew they were excited about the birth of their baby sister.

Gerard nodded his head and took Hailey’s hand, he was going to be here for her and he knew that this was the completion of their family; it was everything that he had ever wanted.

“So what are we going to call her?” Gerard asked knowing that they had several names chosen for their daughter; he was excited and he was sure that the next few hours would fly by.

Hailey thought for a moment, they’d selected three names and now they just needed the perfect one for the little girl; something that they both loved.


“Fiona Piqué Álvarez,” Gerard murmured finally holding his daughter in his arms, the past nine months finally worth it just because he got to hold her.

Fiona was beautiful like her mother and Gerard knew that he was sure that she would be just as perfect; he couldn’t believe that she was here.

Hailey smiled at him tiredly, she was glad that Fiona was here and that everything had gone so well; Gerard had been perfect as he coached her through the birth of their third child.

“She looks like you,” Gerard mused smiling at his wife of ten months, he pressed a small kiss to the top of Fiona’s head; he couldn’t wait to show her off and he knew how much this meant to everyone.

Hailey nodded her head, already there were tuffs of blonde hair on Fiona’s head and it meant so much to Gerard that she looked like her mother.

The twins favoured Gerard’s looks with his dark sandy brown hair and blue eyes, he loved both of them so much and he knew that having a little girl like Hailey was just perfect.

“My madre is bring the twins… they’re so excited to meet her,” Gerard whispered carefully handing their daughter to Hailey, he didn’t know how they would react when they finally got to see their sister.

Garrett had been so upset when he had found out he was getting another sister, he had cried and Gerard hoped that he wouldn’t cause many problems now.

Hailey nodded looking down at Fiona, she was tired and hoped that the twins wouldn’t be too excitable when they arrived; she needed rest and Fiona wasn’t going to like loud noises.


“Mama,” Kaitlyn said hurrying into the hospital room followed by Montserrat, she was so excited to see her baby sister and have someone that she could play with.

Garrett followed behind them looking far from pleased that he had a baby sister; he pouted as Gerard picked him up.

“I’m so proud of you,” Montserrat said kissing Gerard on the cheek before she moved to see her new granddaughter, she smiled watching Kaitlyn with Hailey knowing that everything had worked out.

Hailey was going to have her hands full when she finally went home, she would have the twins to deal with as well as the twins who were always a handful.

“What did you call her?” Montserrat asked smiling at the newborn who was snuggly in Hailey’s arms, Kaitlyn was cooing at her new sister and looked so happy.

Gerard carefully set Garrett on the bed, he brushed his fingers through his son’s hair hoping that he would warm to the baby; he truly didn’t want them fighting for attention.

“Fiona,” Gerard said smiling at his mother, he had his family and he had everything that he had ever dreamed of; no one was going to take them away from him.

Montserrat smiled looking at Gerard, she had never seen him so happy and she hoped that he stayed this way; Hailey was all everything that he had ever wanted and it had all worked out for him.



Author's Note:

Thanks to everyone that read, commented and rated this story, I couldn't have done it without any of you xxx

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