The Road

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After venturing through the supermarket, avoiding the numerous flying clowns with shopping carts and the ones without wings, you finally made it. The glass sliding door to the exit of the supermarket, and the road ahead, filled you with courage to venture on. You take out the withering ancient key from your pocket, and slip it into the lock holding the door shut. You turn the key, and with a click, the chains fall back and the door slides open, allowing you access to the road. You are perfectly aware of the risks that come with coming here, like the Democan waiting for you as you near the end, and of course, the Chewed, who isn't as much of a menace as he is somebody who gets stuck on the edge.

As you stepped out of the supermarket, you felt the cold chill of the ventilation near the exit blowing down your armor, making you shiver. You can see how far away the End of the Road is, as there was no fog limiting your vision here. As you stepped onto the crumbling road, you felt... like something ominous was approaching. But I mean, it couldn't be the Democan, could it? The Democan only appears further down the road! It's not like its just going to suddenly appear in front of you and screech at you, forcing you to respawn and walk the treacherous walk back over to that door! But oh well, you might as well make the most of it and take what loot from this road you can.

The road's chill kept you in a shivering state, your armor providing no comfort to the cold. The electrical poles that served no purpose ran down next to you, giving you a mysterious feeling as to what they were powering... and where they originated from. You rubbed your hands together for warmth, and you stopped shivering, even if momentarily. You kept trying to use friction to your advantage, and warm up your hands, when you hear a stomping noise coming towards you.

Internally you were screaming, as you knew the Democan was coming for you. You tried to run, but your stamina was already completely depleted. You could finally make out the Democan across the road, running towards you at full speed.

Inevitably, you embrace your death, waiting for the Democan to screech and send you back to your castle in Topple Town, but... it never comes. You open your eyes and see the strangest Democan you have ever witnessed infront of you.

 You open your eyes and see the strangest Democan you have ever witnessed infront of you

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What is this.... THING???? WHY is this thing? The Democan starts to talk to you.

"h-hewwo!!!!!", the creature says, "sowwy fow scawing you!!!!! owo"

The Democan is speaking in this strange manner, unfamiliar to you. It continues to speak.

"do u want mwe to tayke to tu da end of da woad!!! owo" As much as you want to decline its offer, it would be quicker than walking, so you decide to nod your head in agreement.

"okie dokie!!!!! get on my bwack and we wiww go!!!!! uwu" Reluctantly, you painstakingly scale up the creature's back and sit atop the pole that is connected to the Democan's mouth. Almost immediately, it takes off at such a speed that you almost fall off, but at the very least you don't take fall damage here. You relax your body and stare up to the dark void above the road and think to yourself, "This could be better than I first thought."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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