Chapter 2, A Funeral

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The pack grounds were near silent as Fei watched the memorial service slowly begin setting up. White lillies lined the coffin as rows of chairs filled the garden. Suiting, that her mother would be placed with such beautiful flowers as she was laid to rest next to her husband and mate. Fey stared at the headstone of her father, Alpha Adder Lockheart mournfully.

Despite her state of loss and suffering over the quick succession of her father and mothers deaths, Fei adjusted quickly to her new role as alpha mainly due to the help of her second in command, Beta Rosaline. The beautiful red headed female seamlessly orchestrated the pack with an ease Fei was not yet accustomed to, and for that she was eternally grateful.

Even after losing both alphas and Fei's true mate, not that many knew about the later, the pack had not lost any footholds in status or power. Rosaline was one of the few Fei trusted enough to divulge this information to though she was sure rumour had spread throughout the neighbouring packs by now. Her refusing to go to her preliminary marriage ceremony of her long time friend a month earlier had shone a rather unflattering light on her. Most wolves could not decide weather she was a scorned lover replaced by her childhood loves true mate or a defective female rejected in favour of one more suitable for the alpha. Despite the bitter flavour left in her mouth, Fei had never commented on the rumours, and hoped she never would have to.

Turning around, she made her way down the courtyard with purpose as her pack members gave her a wide berth. Though terribly lonely and broken hearted, the female was still a storm to be reckoned with and none were brave enough to cross her path.


The fog rolled in cold and slow through the valley when Ky finally made it to Blackwood pack. Upon arrival, he immediately noticed the dark figure of Fei standing stoic as she watched her mate brush the strands of blonde hair out of his chosens face. Tearing his eyes from her tan skin and flowing black hair, he instead focused his gaze on the bright female in his arms smiling sadly up at him. Quinn had no idea who Fei was to him- or at least, he hoped, and he didn't want to give away even the slightest of hints.

All of Blackwood stood dressed in their finest dressings as they waited for their allied packs to filter in. As the sun rose to the apex of the sky, only somber words were spoken in memory of her mother and father.

Fei stayed stoic throughout the affair, memories of better times plagued her as she tried desperately to ignore the harlot leaning into her mates arms crying crocodile tears. As if she ever had the right to cry over this. Even Ky had the gall to look deeply upset despite breaking her mothers heart further shortly before her death.

Blood spilled at the bite of her claws in her skin as her hands curled into fists. She could notice by the shift in Ky that he smelled it but he made no other movement. Still, as the crowd parted and the last word was spoken, Fei stood and cried no tears over the grave of her family.

Only after everyone was long gone did Rosaline place a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We should go in, Alpha. It's cold out."

Fei remained unmoving as she stared at her parents final resting place. "Did you see them?"

Rosealine stayed silent as the chilled breeze tickled the nape of her neck.

"He broke her heart, you know. Mother was always quick, it didn't take long to figure out we were mates." A long sigh was heard as Fei looked up to the ever blue sky.

"All she asked was if he knew what he was giving up. Do you know what he said?" A heartless laugh left her lips as she looked back at the carved stone.

"He said; 'what I give up is mine to make the decision with, Fei will understand the decision that needs to be made for the greater good." Shaking now, Fei turned to the shorter woman.

"The greater good?! The greater good of him getting to fuck the pretty golden princess he'd always had his eye on. The greater good of committing blasphemy in order to snatch up a power grabbing whore. The greater good of-"

The end of the rant was bit off as Fei looked away, sad blue eyes downcast as she swallowed her tears.

"I know, alpha, I know." Rosaline could only lend a comforting hand to her wounded friend as she watched her with pain.

"I'm sorry for the rant," she spoke, clearing her throat shakily. "I should get back down there with the others."

Rosaline nodded as she turned to follow Fei to the congregation. Despite the beauty the day had to offer and the straight spine her leader carried with her walk, Rosaline knew in her heart everything was wrong.

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