Chapter 4, Bloodstone

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Fei walked into the congregation with her head held high, feeling the weight of the letters she hid in her satchel in her very soul. The aura of an angered alpha was something difficult to hide, and with the extremes of her emotions testing her self control she couldn't help the way her eyes flashed a dangerous gold.

Quinn laughed at something someone said a little too loudly to be considered authentic, her sleek body draped in an emerald green dress pressed against Ky shamelessly. Fei couldn't help but stare at her neck loathsomely, the perfect mark meant for her standing out delicately on the shewolfs pale skin like a beacon for her anger.

She'd begun imagining ripping the chunk of skin off and watching her writhe as she bled out in front of everyone here when the doors opened and a foreboding presence descended on the room. Almost instinctively the hairs on her neck rose as she turned her head towards the intruder.

A hush fell over the crowd as the scent of forest and iron washed over her. Standing nearly seven feet tall, a large male with blood red hair entered the room with two other intimidating males. Fei ran through her memories, trying to remember who he was when suddenly his gold eyes flashed to hers.

"Alpha Fei, it's a pleasure to finally see you again after all this time" he said, voice sending tremors down her spine as he smiled, all teeth.

He walked up to her, people naturally curling their shoulders and staying out of his way as he stood before her. The two males behind him stared around with disinterest as the Alpha picked up her hand and kissed it. Instantly heat spread through her body as she heard him give a low chuckle.

"Do you not remember me? We met once a while ago, you were young though and visiting our pack with your father.."

Distantly, she recalled a memory of the trip she took to the neighbouring feral pack, Bloodstone. She blinked up at the stranger and slowly recognized him.

"Alpha Ziare?" He grinned looking immensely pleased with himself.

"The one and only. Im glad you haven't forgotten completely." He finally let her hand go with a twinkle of pride in his eye. She felt herself smile as she nodded to him in respect, her eyes trailing his physique. The man was a pure blooded lycan, not a were, something both terrifying and admirable.

Lycans themselves were too feral to be part of werewolf packs, considered made by the dark side of the moon they lived on their own in the harsher areas of wilderness in smaller packs. Another difference between the two, besides their massive size and extremely prominent wolf was their lack of mate. A lycan had no moon blessed mate, and could only ever mate and mark someone as strong as their wolf lest the contender be ripped apart.

There was no room for weakness in a world like theirs, nor mistake, so carefully avoiding continued eye contact Fei led them in and snapped at the waiter to get them their drinks.

Lesser alphas and wolves in the room jostled nervously, the sudden increase in power disrupting the somber atmosphere as the group sat at the bar.

"I must give my condolences, your mother was a truly impeccable woman. Especially considering her mate." Alpha Ziare smiled charmingly without teeth, quickly picking up the whisky slid to him as the ice clinked in the glass.

"I believe my grandfather was the previous Alphas younger brother?" She spoke. Her relation to the lycans was something she'd always been at odds with despite her fathers pride, it had made it more difficult to adjust her temper and tendencies to pack life as an adolescent.

"Yes, your great uncle was the previous Alpha. Impressive man. A shame he could never find a suitable mate, though that's the way it is for most of us, not being moon blessed and all. Still put up a hell of a fight over the alpha position during my ascent to power." She noticed him rub the scar on his neck, it must have been a terrible wound to leave any kind of mark. Despite herself, she felt her wolf puff up in pride for her families strength.

"What about you? Have you found your blessing yet?" He asked. Fei scoffed at the thought of Ky being considered a blessing, but shook her head. Turning to him she caught an almost burning intensity behind the other alphas thin veneer of curious disinterest. She could almost see the double gaze of his wolf shifting so he too could look into her eyes as she gave an answer.

Quickly glancing at her supposed other half, she noticed Ky staring at her almost strained as his knuckles whitened from the tension. Before she could discern his expression, Quinn kissed over the juncture of his neck and shoulder, stealing his attention.

Fei turned back to Ziare, suddenly dead and angry inside.

"No, there is no blessing in my life." The smile that crossed the Bloodstone alphas face was more monster than man.

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