Princess and Prince

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(I swear this is the last part-)

most of the time... I wished and wished upon a shooting star like a normal kid would...

I went to school and acted like everyone did.

I had some friends.

But whenever I got home I had to face her.

I didn't wanna be hurt anymore...

I just wanted to be free...

So one night, as I was watching a cartoon show, My so called "mom" decided to change the channel to news...

I still remember each word...

It was like an angel calling to me...

"The popular android, RK800 also known as Connor was found with a girl in the city, They appeared to be very close"

A girl...
And an android

It sounds like a fairy tale

I smiled and decided to run to my room.

There, I thought about the perfect fairytale story to match the title.

I felt very cheery and danced around my room until, again, my so called "mom" entered my room...

She yelled at me for being too loud and pulled my hair...

I stopped dancing that night...

I started to plan an escape...

I used to have a ponytail but I decided to take it off, I changed my clothes and ran as far as I could as possible...

Along the way, I met a man with a group of androids, he looked at me and asked me where I came from.

I was gonna lie to him since he and his androids scared me.

He then explained that he meant no harm and introduced me to the androids and said that he has seen someone who looked like me before.

He also revealed that he was an android, this calmed me down and I started to tell the truth.

The strange man offered me to stay but I said no, then we started to part ways.

I ran as far as I could then I bumped into a girl, she looked just like me... we looked at each other, she seemed like she was about to say something but I ran as far as I could before she could speak. She was with a woman with short hair and a man who was very tall.

I stopped running when I ended up in a place filled with lights, I sat down and watched people pass by but no one approached me,

I looked up and saw a shooting star.

I closed my eyes and started to wish...

"Shooting Star...
Please... Give me parents...
Good Parents...

I dont wanna be hurt anymore...

I hugged my knees and tried to fall asleep which shockingly worked.

When I awoke, People were everywhere and the sun was shining.

I looked around and started pacing around.

Only two people came up to me.

He said his name was "Jerry" and he was with a man named "Ralph"

Ralph had a bandage covering his other eye,
He scared me a bit but he was nice and caring

Jerry had handed me a small flower, He was very kind and he was very positive.

Unfortunately, they had to go since they said they were on a "movie date"

I waited a couple more hours for them to return... but they didn't

I started pacing around and the flower I had started to rot.

When the flower was fully rotten I dropped it on the ground and I felt so anxious.

I paced around and then I heard a girl call my name.

"Umm... What's wrong Little Guy?" She said.

She was holding hands with a boy, He looked familiar...

They were the people from the news!

I felt so happy...

I'm... part of the Fairy Tale!


"You wrote this?" Dad asks.

I nodded happily.

He hugs me and motions my Mom to come.

"Y/N! Look at what Kai wrote!" He exclaimed

"Alright" Y/N giggled.

"Hey, Am I part of the story?" Alice asked.

I nod at her
"You and your family are in this!"

Kara and Luther smile.

"Ey dont forget me and my friends over here!" Markus joked and hugged North, Josh and Simon.

"And us too!" Jerry yelled hugging his fellow Jerries along with Ralph who laughed

"Oh! After this can we eat this thing?" Ralph asked as he points at a rat.

"NOOO!!!" Everyone except Ralph exclaimed.

RK800 (Connor x Reader) Detroit: Become Human FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now