Chapter 3

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Next morning Seth, Ruby and Ashley are setting up their booth at the conference center, Dean stays around the house with the puppies until he goes and meets up with Jeff and Matt, Dean can't wait to see the guys today, it's been forever since they have sees each other and this week will definitely be amazing catch up for him and the guys.

Dean's parents house has a big yard so the puppies will have amazing time outside while everyone is gone for a few hours, both Blue and Kev are loving the big back yard it's way bigger than Dean's back home and it even has a big dog house, Dean's parents had it build for Blue a few years ago when they would come there as a whole family for summer breaks blue was just a baby pup back then lol! Dean sets everything up for them and heads into town towards Jeff's extreme bike shop he can't wait to see his boys it's been so long, the last time he saw Jeff or Matt was at college graduation and that's been 5 years ago, end of January it seems like just yesterday they where still hanging out in their dorm-rooms talking about their furthers and what they wanted in relationships! Him, Jeff and Matt Sami and Truth.

Matt used to dated Lita that's why Lita and Dean have history, Dean loves Lita through and always through her and Matt would end up married with a family by now but Matt is married with the family to Reby and Lita is single but a godmother to Trish's kids! Lita has went on a few dates even Trish and her husband Chris Set-up a double date with Chris's friend Christian and Lita really likes him so they have got closer!

Dean walks in to Jeff's shop to see Jeff and Matt talking about some crazy shit, somethings never change huh he points out and they both laugh and Matt then asks him about Seth and how it feels to finally put a ring on someone's finger and make a further with them, Seth must be special they both agree and Dean doesn't question them. Seth is his one and only now! And can't believe in a few months time they will be getting married. And he can't wait for them to meet him, Jeff is going to love him besides being an amazing tattoo artist him and Jeff have a lot of the same things in common! Like music and clothing style lol Matt will like him because of his personality! at the conference center Seth and Ruby are getting some tattoo appointment for tomorrow after lunch, Ashley has one in the morning! And this is the first day.

Seth, Ruby and Ashley really like Vegas and the tattoo convention, Dean is having a great time with the boys at the bike shop and can't believe they both are married and have kids of their own already, Dean can't wait to meet both of their families and let them meet Seth, Ruby and Ashley later tonight. But especially Seth and the puppies too because they are a big part of their lives his and Seth's! Seth has truly change his life for the better, Seth is happy with Dean and can see the difference in him since their first meeting til now and he knows Dean is different because of their relationship or how Dean says him. Dean Jeff and Matt are going to get Reby and Matt's sons then get Beth and Jeff's daughter's before heading to Dean's parents house to wait for Seth, Ruby and Ashley to get back from the conference center so everyone can meet finally.

Dean has been waiting for this meeting to happen for a while now and can't believe it's finally going down in just a few hours, Dean, Matt and Jeff are heading to get Reby and Matt's sons first right now then Beth and Jeff's daughters after! They pick them all up and then head towards Dean's parents house when they arrive Dean is shock to see Seth, Ruby and Ashley already there waiting for them outside Seth jump the back gate and got Kev and Blue out in the front yard with him why Ruby and Ashley sit on the front porch. Dean smiles at them, he loves Seth, they park and get out Blue is happy to see Dean as Kev is staying by Seth because of all of the people, he gets scare a little bit.

Dean walks over to Seth and picks up Kev "hey babyboy and Kev it's alright no body here is going to hurt you, they are nice people buddy, aren't they Blue? As Blue barks and looks at Kev giving him a smile. So Dean puts him down and they run over to Ruby and Ashley on the porch, Dean smiles and introduces everyone. Then they go inside and have that drink Dean has been promising Matt and Jeff all day lol.

Seth and Ashley can't help but fall in love with the babies, Seth loves the younger ones and Ashley loves the older ones, so Seth likes Nera and Wolfgang while Ashley likes Ruby and Maxel Reby let's Seth hold Wolfgang and Beth let's Ashley hold Ruby why they are there tonight, Dean looks over at Seth with Wolfgang and smiles he finds Seth with baby Wolfgang so adorable and he can't wait for the day they decided on having a family together, well after they are married in a few months duh. Everyone is having a great time tonight together and Dean is happy it finally happened he is happy some of his best friends got too meet his fiance and some of his co-workers.

Next part.... Finn makes special appearance in Vegas and starts to cause trouble for Dean and Seth.... Plus Dean works on some of the wedding plans... And then everyone has a big dinner together before Jeff gets another tattoo from Seth at the conference because he sees his work at the dinner!!!!

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