The Stripper & Harry Styles

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Hello young or old Wattpad readers! How you doing? Good? amazing! 

This is the first story I written that I actually get more than 5 reads, actually get votes, & actually get people to comment, so im loving it! This chapter will be a little longer so I hope you enjoy! (:

Chapter 6

The Stripper & Harry Styles.

  ~~Angela's P.O.V

     I read his text, so he was sorry? I smiled.  That was all I wanted, was a simple apology.  "why you smiling? Is is Harry?" Danielle said with a smirk and I glared at her, "Yes, but don't think wrong you, you" I paused trying to think of something to say.  "You person!" Danielle giggled, 

  Person really?  "You are a special child Angela" I chuckled

   "Can I ask you something?" I bit my lip, maybe she knew why Niall didn't like me.  "Sure anything" she said with a smile, and I tried to return it but my lips just didn't want to.  "Do you know why Niall uh doesn't like me? He doesn't talk to me, And he shoots me dirty glares, I don't know why it bothers me so much, but I don't like when people don't like me" I muttered the last part, even though I have no friends.  Because all of the people in my school think I'm a dirty skank.  Sure, I shrugged it off, but it did bother me.  

     "No, I'm pretty sure you're just imagining that, Niall is pretty much the sweetest in the group!" I chuckled, yea, she was probably right.  "Hey wanna go over the boys today? Maybe we can do something with them? Like go to the mall?" I smiled and nodded, "sure! Haven't been to one in a really long time" I said trying to remember when was the last time I went to the mall.  She picked up her little pocket purse and walked towards the door, I followed her outside when she came to a halt.  

  "Wanna follow me in your car? Or we can ride together to p-" I stopped her in mid sentence.  "I don't have a car, I walked here." I muttered embarrassed.  She gasped, "Oh sorry, so come on lets get in my car" I followed her to her car and slid into the cool leather seats, "You obviously haven't heard of any of their songs, so lets get you started." She said peeling out of the parking lot,

    A song came on and I sat there with a smile on my face, 

 you're insecure,

Don't know what for.

  I instantly reconized it as Liam's voice, I glanced over at Danielle and she had a big goofy smile on her face, she looked proud and in love.  I smiled at her, I wish I could have a relationship like theirs.

  Everyone else in the room can see it

everyone else but you

  Was that Harry? I couldn't stop myself from smiling, He actually sounded really good.  

"ENOUGH OF THAT SONG!" Danielle yelled at the top of her lungs making me jump, and scare me shitless. "Damn, A little warning next time?" she chuckled, "Okay another song" she sung happily, 

You know I've always got your back, girl

So let me be the one you come running to, running to, r-r-running

I see it’s just a matter of fact, girl

You just call my name

I'll be coming through, coming through, I'll keep coming

   I recognized it as Liam's voice again, "Danielle? Does Liam start every song?" she smiled, "No, but he starts most of them" I nodded, 

  On the other side of the world, it don't matter

The stripper & Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now