The Stripper & Harry Styles

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  The Stripper & Harry Styles.

 Harry;s POV

    I felt her cuddle into my side, I mentally groaned.  How can she have so much affect on me?  I glanced over at her face, as her eyes were focused on the sky.  Her eyes, They looked much lighter than usual, Her face seemed to glow with the little bits of sunshine seeping through from behind the horizen.  Her hair was slightly messy but she still looked perfect, I stared at her perfect little mouth.  The one I've been dying to kiss, dying to caress gently with mine.  I felt my heart drop to my stomach, how can I like her so much? when I bet she doesn't even think twice about me.  

      I felt pained thinking 'What ifs' until a big one came to mind.

   What if I never walked into the club that night?


    I giggled as we walked through the door hand in hand, "Where have you guys been?" Liam jumped at us right as we walked in.  I glanced over at the clock, I gasped.  It's already 8;30? "We were at the park" I heard Harry's voice linger in the air.  "For 3 and a half hours?" Louis Butted in, I sighed.  "I should probably go home guys, my mom should be worried."  I laughed at myself mentally.  She probably didn't even notice I left.  Maybe she actually did, because she probably shouted out to me, asking to make food.   

   "I'll take you home" Zayn said happily, I smiled at him.  "No, i'm taking her home." Harry said squeezing my hand once more.  "But what if I want to take her home? Huh? WHAT YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT?" Louis shouted puffing up his chest against Harry's.  I giggled, they were too funny.  "Hey guys, come on.  You all know she wants me to take her home." Liam said pointing both his thumbs towards  his chest.  I smiled and rolled my eyes, They all started arguing, then I noticed Niall was sitting on the couch watching them with a weird look on his face. 

    Yea, I forgot...

   He thinks i'm a stuck up whore from the street.

   "ALRIGHT! WE ARE ALL BRINGING HER HOME!" Liam screamed  shutting everyone up.  


   Here you go my lady, goodnight! Harry said wiggling his eyebrows, I smiled and muttered a thank you to all the guys.  Getting into the car I watched them drive away. I sighed turning around and staring at the big house that wasn't mine.  I started walking to the direction of my real house.  Yea, I was too embarrassed at how trashy my house was compared to there's  It was a half an hour walk, shutting the door I walked inside staring at my mother who held a cigarette in her left hand, and the remote in the other.  

    "Hey you, uh what's your name again? Anna come here" She said pointing to the spot directly in front of her, I sighed.  Exhaling a puff of smoke into my face she smiled slightly, showing her old almost rotting teeth, her face looked tired.  Her skin had age spots all over them, freckles here and there.  Her hair was bleached blonde.  I guess she actually did something while I was gone! 

    "Where were you missy?"  I rolled my eyes, why does she care now?  "A friends." I said staring into her eyes, deciding to keep my answers short and simple.  "I went a day without eating, because you weren't here! Now be a good little bitch..." She said pausing for a moment smoking her ciggerette, "And make your mama some food." She said choking slightly, I didn't argue, just did as I was told.  

   If I argued it would pointless anyways.  

   Feeding my mother I ran to my room, shutting the door.  Turning on the old tv I slipped into my pj's too tired to shower.  Snuggling into my worn out mattress,, I felt cold.  Even with 3 blankets on me.  I didn't feel right.  Laying on my back, to laying on my stomach, too sleeping on my side.  I didn't feel comfortable.  Shivering slightly, I felt like something was missing. 

  I felt another squeeze to my heart.

  What is going on?  Panicking slightly, what if i'm having a heart attack?

  Another tight squeeze.

  Sitting up now I stared at my old flip phone, 

 "1 New Message"

  opening it, I smiled reading it.

   "Goodnight Beautiful, hope you have sweet dreams! xx ~Harry!"

 The sudden squeeze to my 'heart' stopped.  I felt a warm sensation swim through my body again, my eyelids feeling droopy I layed back down.  Feeling comfortable instantly.  


  "Goodnight Beautiful, hope you have sweet dreams! xx ~Harry!" 

 I re-read the text over and over.  Did I creep her out?  Maybe I shouldn't have ended it with kisses. Wait, she probably thinks I like her now! What if she thinks I would be a clingy boyfriend? Did I ruin my chances with her?

  I sighed running a hand through my mess of curls.  I think too much, I lay ed down in bed face staring into the ceiling.  

  "On the other side of the world

It don't matter, I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two."

  The sudden lyrics popped up in my head, immidetly drifting my mind back to Angela.  Why is she so important to me?  

  Getting up I walked towards the kitchen thinking that maybe I would feel better if I ate something. 

    "Hey mate" I heard Nialls voice in the kitchen, I nodded at him.  "What's wrong?" He asked, knowing I didn't feel right.  I grabbed an apple and sat on the couch.  Niall soon following.

    "Angela man, I can't get her off my mind.  I can't stop thinking about her, it scares me sometimes.  I care about her alot. What do you think I should do?"  His eyes glossed over an he thought for a moment.

  Taking a bite of his apple, he sighed looking at me with a straight face.

  "Stop talking to her.  Become distant."  I stared at him in shock why would he say that?  

  "Don't look at me like that, all i'm saying is, we leave in 2 weeks.  You won't be able to leave her, so kind of distance yourself from her." He said getting up and leaving.  

  I completly forgot about us leaving so soon, I didn't want to leave her.  

  I sighed, maybe this is what Niall is saying.  I'm getting too attached.

  I bet if I do leave, she won't even notice.


 Sorry its short guys! But the next chapter is going to be big(; I already got half of it written! Next chapter is going to be long! Anyways COMMENT! COMMENT! please! 

  Vote and Fan! Hope you enjoyed(:

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