When the Twilight Gang went to Hogwarts

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This is my first story okay so i would welcome any advice on how to make my writing better. Please comment and vote. This chapter is a bit boring put i promise it will get more interesting. I welcome contructive critism but please dont be nasty. xx

Disclaimer: i do not own anything. all characters go to stephanie meyer and JK rowling


Resemse POV

I was going to miss Forks. It was all that I knew. I loved mine and my parents little cottage all of own. I loved our huge house a mile or two away. I loved the sounds and the smells of the forest. I was going to miss America, apparently the English people have a really weird accent and that was going to take a while to get used to. England that was where we were moving to I sighed softly. Well Scotland actually to a small town in the North called Ullapool. We had already brought ourselves a lovely house next to the lake in the middle of the moor a couple of miles outside of Ullapool, but I was still going to miss Forks.

We were due to leave in two days and I was out in the woods having one of my last hunts here. I caught a deer and sighed again as I thought that would be my last one for a while. In Scotland we were going to mainly have to hunt seals and a few birds as the wildlife out there is tiny and quite rare. There are some decent sized birds of prey but they are slightly harder to catch as we can't fly. After I had finished I turned and ran back to the house.

'I'm back' I called as entered the house. I really was going to miss this house. The big open spaces with plenty of light and the beautiful decor courtesy of Alice and Esme of course.

'Hi honey' said my mum as she walked into the hallway 'have you started packed yet?'

'no, not yet, I'll start now. Can I visit Jacob when I'm done?' I asked. I missed Jacob, I hadn't seen him since yesterday morning and I know that sounds really pathetic but I loved Jacob like a brother and he was so much fun.

'Sure, why not' said my dad as he walked in and put his arms around mum. I know it's good that they love each other and everything but sometimes they did go a bit over the top in public. I stopped my line of thought when I saw dad smirking at me and I rushed upstairs to pack. His mind reading trick really did get on my nerves sometimes.

-------------------------------------------------------At Jacobs house----------------------------------------------------------

'hey Jake' I called as I walked into his house and I smiled as his face appeared at the top of the stairs as he rushed downstairs to hug me

'hey Nessie, you all packed and ready to go?' he asked smiling

'Yep, finished just before I came here.' I grinned, I was so glad Jake was coming to England with us I don't know if I would be able to survive without him at our new school.

'don't worry about it will be fine' he said sensing my mood

'I know it will, hey fancy going down to the beach?' I asked

--------------------------------------------------------Two days later----------------------------------------------------------

Oh my god this is really it, goodbye America. I thought as we pulled into the airport in my dad's Volvo. Him and mum were sitting in the front while me and Jake sat together in the back. Grandpa, Grandma, Aunty Alice and Rosalie and Uncle Emmet and Jasper were coming in other cars. At least we got to keep our cars as Carlisle had found a way to get them all flown over. It was really expensive but we weren't bothered about money.

I was feeling calm as we walked through the airport and boarded the plane in our first class seats, but as the plane started to take off I was suddenly really nervous. I mean I had never been around lots of humans all day before what if I couldn't control myself!

'Jasper...' I heard dad mutter nodding towards me as he read my thoughts and then all of a sudden my nerves we gone and I felt calm and happy again.

'Thanks Jasper' I said to him and he just smiled at me.

I decided to watch a few films for the rest of the flight to keep myself distracted and it worked. Just as the final film came to an end, I heard the customer announcement telling people to strap themselves in for the decent.

We stepped off the plane into Glasgow airport and I Breathed in the cold Scottish air and smelt the new smells all around me. There was humans milling around everywhere and I had to focus on keeping control. We had only just arrived and I didn't want to spoil everything so soon. We got in our taxi as our cars hadn't arrived yet. They were going to be dropped off at our new house in a few days.

'So what do you think of Scotland?' my mum asked, once we were in the taxi.

'well... it seems okay, I wish there was more woods, all there seems to be is this barren moorland' I meant what I said. As we drove further north there was more and more hills covered in wild heather being blasted by a cold harsh wind.

'hmm... yes, it's a good job that there is plenty of sea life round here.' agreed my dad.

After a three hour journey up north we finally arrived at our new home we let ourselves out got our luggage and the taxi driver drove off. He looked a little scared of us if I'm honest but who can blame him.

I walked up to our new house and it looked even better than what the photos on the web had shown us. I rushed inside to get the best bedroom closely followed by Alice. I quickly found the perfect room and dumped my stuff down and glanced out of the window. I did a double take. It was the most beautiful view you could ever imagine, browns, purples and greens covered the hilly landscape and just down the hill from us in the valley was a beautifully still glass like lake and it glittered in the light of the sinking sun. Further in the distance I could see the gloomy beach with the beautiful grey sea smashing into it.

'wow...' I breathed.

'I know, right' said Alice as she came bursting into my room 'it's perfect, I'm so glad that we decided to come here. Oh gosh we need to shopping to get us plenty of new clothes for school'

'Whoa Alice, slow down, you do know that we have to wear uniforms, right?'

'WHAT!! Uniforms! How could I have missed this, I thought something was slightly off in my visions but I never thought uniforms' she said with a shudder

I grinned at her and was about to say something when...

'Nessie, Jake, food' I heard esme call out. Wow I hadn't realised how hungry I was.

'sorry got to go' I said to Alice and ran downstairs to find Jake already tucking in.

'you don't waste any time at all do you' I laughed at him and sat down to eat.

--------------------------------------------------------Next morning-----------------------------------------------------------

I woke up slightly late and wandered down stairs in a bit of a daze. I walked into the kitchen to get myself some breakfast and stopped suddenly. Everyone was staring at me


Ohhh.... i wnder what has happened. i know that wasn't the most exciting chapter but please bear with me. Pleas comment and vote!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2010 ⏰

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