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Meerca (meer-ka) are neopets

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Meerca (meer-ka) are neopets. The Meerca is a furry Neopet that stands on two feet, though it can also balance on its tail if it so desires. It has very short legs, but makes up for this with Neopia's most impressive tail, which is long, thick and flexible. Its ears are large, while its eyes and nose are fairly small. It has two prominent front teeth which can be used for gnawing. Counting its tail, it stands at about 79cm.[1] Without taking it into account, the Meerca would probably count as one of the smaller Neopets. Meercas seem to exist all over Neopia. They are pranksters with a wicked sense of humour, and their small size and dexterity make it easy for them to hide and move other pets' things. They are very proud of their long tails, and complain about having "bad tail days" where other pets might be concerned about their manes or ruffs. Surprisingly, despite their size, they are not always scavengers in the wild, and some Meercas have learnt to hunt for a living. They do, however, have a fondness for Neopia's most versatile vegetable, the Negg. The Meerca was the 40th Neopet to become available. It first appeared on the 7th day of Awakening, Year Three (known outside Neopia as February 7th, 2001). Earlier artwork emphasised the Meerca's tail, with the pet shown as bouncing off the ground. It's possible that its name may have been invented by analogy with the meerkat, a small African mammal from Earth, although the two don't look much alike.[2] They are not limited edition, meaning you can create one any day of the year.

Site description: "The Meerca is super fast and really small which makes it very difficult to grab hold of. Meercas are talented pranksters who are very rarely caught. If your Neopet complains that someone has stolen its fuzzle, a Meerca is probably to blame."


Moehog (MO-hog) are neopets

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Moehog (MO-hog) are neopets. The Moehog is a smooth-skinned Neopet and a quadruped, meaning it walks on four legs. It is notable for its large, curved tusks and stubby snout, as well as its floppy ears. Its tail tapers off into a thin, frayed strand, and its hooves are small but sturdy. It has a hairy crest at the centre of its head, and quite large eyes. At 97cm, it is larger than the majority of Neopets.[1] Moehogs originate in Neopia's mountains (probably not Terror Mountain, judging by their un-fluffy coats-- there are other, smaller mountains as yet unexplored by humans, notably to the west of the Haunted Woods), where they originally worked as servants for lazy Skeiths. Their hooves are suitable for climbing and walking long distances, and they are capable of carrying heavy loads. However, they would much rather play games than work all day, and eventually left their ancestral home behind to seek a better life. They seem to like rural areas, and take pleasure in walking, jumping and playing in mud. When meeting others of their species, Moehogs will often start snorting contests and kick up dust clouds, but it's more for show than to be really intimidating. They seem to have kind hearts, and are easily moved by the plight of owner-less and homeless Neopets. The Moehog was introduced to Neopia on the 5th day of Swimming, Year Two (known to non-Neopians as July 5th, 2000). It was originally a Limited Edition Neopet, and hopeful Neopians waited at the Creation Centre for the next small batch to be released. The LE status was lifted less than two months later.

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