chapter 23

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Chapter 23

-Into The Dungeons

Anna’s POV

Mom and Michael are sent home. A part of my mind is at relief at this piece of information. But my heart and wolf are not at ease.  I can feel what he is feeling through the bond. He is restless since yesterday. He was home only for an hour last night and was gone by the time I woke up. He deployed a security guard outside the bedroom and a few around the house.

All of this makes me feel the situation is lot worse than what Bane is projecting it. I have to find out more. I have to know what Bane is hiding. I heard from Jane that no one in the pack is allowed to go out of the pack boundary unless told so. I even heard that Bane has himself checked the whole perimeter of the pack boundary.

Last night when Bane came to sleep, I heard him breathing rapidly as if he has run a marathon. He didn’t touch me for a long while and I know he knew that I was awake. I didn’t ask him any questions. I know he wouldn’t answer any even if I did and he is stressed out I didn’t feel like interrogating him at that time. He just hugged me tightly. Who am I to complain?

I missed him early morning when I woke up.

I have to find out everything without letting Bane have any clue of what I am trying to do. He wouldn’t let me go anywhere near the truth.

First I have to find out a source who can give me all the information I need. It definitely wouldn’t be Bane, his Beta or his Gamma. Bane must have already warned them about not letting me know anything. The only person who knows everything is James and I have to try to reach him. Sneaking in last time didn’t work. Bane will know somehow.

But if I have to sneak away from Bane, I have to go to Bane first so that he does not know what I am planning. The only way to reach till James is through Bane. I have to go to the Bane’s office near dungeons first. But how? I form a plan in my head and go to kitchen. I can take lunch for him. That way I know he has his food on time and can try to meet James. I quickly make two dishes for him.

Looking to my right I find Gamma Chris drinking water in the kitchen. I have to convince him to take me to Bane. If I ask him softly, he would definitely say no. I have to take charge. Walking to him I sigh. I have to do this.

“Chris,” I call him. He immediately he comes to me.


“I want to go visit Bane once. I have to give him lunch.”

“I am sorry, Lu-“

“It’s either you take me or I go myself.”

He looked speechless for a minute. I feel sorry for him. He is definitely going to get scolded by Bane. But this is an important and urgent matter. I can deal with Bane. He bows his head and leads the way. Once we are out of the house, two other pack members follow us. This is too much. The security is too tight. I wanted to speak to Bane about this, but once I see his face, I couldn’t.

His stress levels are too high.

“Is he too busy?” I ask Chris, who is walking in front of me carrying the small carriage of food I made for Bane.

“Yes, Luna.” His reply was instant.

That is what I want. I want as much less as possible attention on me while I am there. It’s a five minute walk to his office. I feel happy that I am going to spend time with him and feeling nervous that I might get caught doing what I am about to do. My wolf is feeling the same. As we pass through the corridor to go to his room, the other pack members greeted me and I gave them a smile.

“Where is James locked?” I ask Chris. He looks  hesitant for a while before giving me the answer.

“In the interrogation room Luna.” He answers. Now, I have to find out where this interrogation room is. I can’t ask Chris. He might feel suspicious of my intentions. I just nod my head as we walk down the hall.

“You can leave now. I can go.” I say once I am near to Bane’s room.

“Sorry, Luna, but we are not supposed to leave you alone.” I sigh at his answer and follow him.

“I feel like a prisoner.” I say out loud and Chris knocks on the door just as I say that.

“Come in.” I hear him say from inside. His voice still give me those butterflies in stomach. I am sure he knows that it’s me. He can smell me just as I can. Chris opens the door and lets me walk in first. I am shocked to see the room. There are papers over the floor. His table is a mess. There are strategies over the table, about what I don’t know and intend to find out. I look up at him.

There are dark circles under his eyes. He is only wearing a short. He must have gone to run in his wolf form. My wolf is howling and secretly, I am too.

Do you know how serious this situation is? I ask her.

It’s not like you are not admiring him. I sigh. She is right.

Chris puts the carriage on the table and I look around the room. There is Beta Mike in the room along with few other warriors.

“Out,” he orders others and they leave us alone. Once they leave, he comes to me. “You are never going to listen to me, are you?” He says as he puts his arm around my waist. I smile knowing he is not angry with me.

“I am sorry. I just wanted to have lunch with you.” He looks at me for a second and pulls me with him as he walks to the table.

“There is no need for you to be sorry.” I feel relaxed for a second that he is not angry that I came here. I know he wouldn’t be, I just thought I might upset him, by not following his orders. It’s not a prison, I just want you safe.” He says as he sits down in his chair pulling me down in his lap. So he heard what I said before coming in.

“I know.” I whisper to myself and him. He kisses my cheek and I feel light. For a minute everything is forgotten. James, Alika and everything else. I blush and open the carriage.

“I smells delicious already.” I hear him say and look at him.

“You know how bad I am at cooking.”

“It’s okay. I can eat”

My heart flutters at his words and I put the sandwich in his plate. He takes a bite.

“It’s not bad,” he comments. I take a bite myself.

“It’s not.” I am surprised actually that I did this.

I feel his thoughts relaxing through the mate bond. I don’t know what he is thinking, but I know that I am calming him down a bit. If I knew bringing him lunch will make him happy, I would have done that long time ago. I need to be more thoughtful. We feed each other some sandwich.

“You guys went for a run this morning?” I ask him resting my head on his shoulder.

“We did. Just checking the boundaries.” His fingers that were playing with my hair stopped for a second before he responds and I can feel him tensing up.

“What did you find?”

“How do you know we found something? Did Chris tell you?”

“No. You are tensing up. Now, tell me.”

“We found three rogues spying on our pack to the east. We are trying to locate the others.”

“Rogues? How many do you think are there near our pack.”

“We think there might be at least ten. The trackers in our pack are still searching.” I hum at his answer. I look at the table in front of me.

“It’s a mess in here.” I comment.

We completed our lunch and I lay there in his lap. I suddenly feel him tense up.

“Is everything okay?” I ask knowing something must have alerted him. He is just looking at the wall in front. He must be talking to some pack member. I wait for him to complete his conversation. Once he is done he looks at me with his work face.

“Go home. I have to go to pack’s north boundary.” He says and I get up from his lap. He stands and pecks my lips. “Thank you for the sandwich.” I smile at him and think why he didn’t get angry at his Gamma. Maybe Chris must have informed him before we were coming here. If not Bane would have gone all dark eyes on him.

For some selfish reason I feel happy that I am the only person that can calm him down. I smile at the thought. My wolf is agrees with me in glee.

“I would love to ask why you are smiling, but I have to go. See you tonight.” He says going to the door. My heart rates increasing for a second and then comes back to normal. “I want you to go home. Don’t wander around the dungeons. I want you safe, Mate.” He says before leaving.

I think of a way to reach James. I know that he is in the dungeons, but I don’t know the way. I am sure no one in this building will tell me the way. I have to find him on my own.

I open the door and do not find Chris or any security. This is news. There is always one or the other standing out the door. Bane must have left the pack house by now. I wonder where Chris and the other two guys were. Walking down the hall, I hear voices from the meeting room. There are about fifteen of them in there. Beta Mike is explaining something to everyone. They all look serious.

The interrogation rooms definitely won’t be on the top floors. It must be somewhere in the basement. I go down and find five pack members near the basement door. If there is this much security, then it must be the room that James is in. I feel like I am in a video game and I have to pass through certain mazes to reach my target. I sigh.

How do I get past these five men?

They bow to me once they see me.

“Luna, you are not supposed to be here.” One of them says.

“I want to go inside.”

You know it’s not that easy right? My wolf says.

I know, but just let me try. She sighs at my answer.

“I am sorry, Luna. Alpha told you not to let you in.”

If it’s one or two members I would have knocked them out, but here are five of them and they are my pack members. I can’t hit them and I won’t hit them. I am their Luna. Then it hits me.

I am their Luna! I don’t want to play the Luna card but I have to.

“Look, I really need to go in.”

“Luna, we are sorry. But Alpha will not be happy with us if we let you in.” I can understand their fear. Bane will likely punish or get angry with them.

“I command you as your Luna to let me in.”

The five of them looks alert and stand straight. My voice held authority and seriousness which I didn’t know I possess. They open the door. I feel chills over my body as I take a step into the room. Looking around, I find three rooms. Which one is he in? I turn around again to ask one of them.

“Which one is James in?”

“The middle one Luna. The first one is observation room. Second one is interrogation room and the third is confinement,” one of them says stepping in. Walking down the steps I see the person who answered me come down with me. I look at him questioningly. “I am sorry, Luna. But I can’t let you go in alone. Alpha would end our lives if he knew we sent you in alone. We are to protect you.”

I just give him a nod and walk to the first room. I want to see him before I go in. Walking in, I see a glass fitted on the wall that parts the both the rooms. I walk to it and find James tied to a chair. He does not look bloody like I expected him to be. Although he does look like he is drained out. His hair is dishelved, there are dark circles under his eyes and he looks like he needs a lot of rest.

Just like my Bane. My Bane! Did I actually say that?! Well he is mine. Bane might have been hard on him but, he couldn’t beat his close friend to blood. Like I said before, he isn’t a monster and whoever says that again, I will rip out their tongue. I look at James again and think of the questions that have been running through my mind for the past two days.

This is my chance. I have to know everything.

I go out of the first room and walk to the middle room with the guard following me behind.

“Stay here.” I order him.

“But, Lu-“ I cut him off.

“I don’t want you defying my orders.”

I take a deep breath before opening the door.

This is it.


Hey my cute dumplings!

How is it? I know there is not much information in this chapter, but don’t miss the next chapter. It’s coming out soon and I don’t want to give out any details about it.

Tell me what you think.

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