A Quick Explanation, or, The Intro Everyone Skips, Only to Regret It Later

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We have a couple quirks that must be mentioned. 

1. We are lazy writers, so although the stories are highly imaginative, the writing technique could use some work. We acknowledge this. 

2. Asterisks (these things --> **) denote action, internal dialogue, authors' notes, or pretty much anything that is not spoken dialogue. Apologies, but we swear it's fun to read if you get over it. It's kind of like script. 

3. We're stinkin' good at making characters, so brace yourself. 

4. Half of the writing will be in italics. That's me, April. The other half will be in normal font: that's Londyn. We're usually each writing one character; if there are multiple characters on the stage, we will indicate which we are writing. It shouldn't be too hard to follow. Please complain loudly and obnoxiously if it is, so we can laugh at you. 

5. We think our jokes are funny. It has not been proven by outside sources. Decide for yourself. 

Thank you, thank you, we'll be here every Friday. 


*pops in* Uh, hi. I'm Londyn. Not the character you're about to read about, no. I'm the co-author. Just thought I'd explain this...

Londyn and I share the same personality, emotions, and name. She wasn't supposed to be a main character but somehow it happened.

Just thought I'd clarify.

POOF *disappears in a cloud of smoke*

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