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True friends are never apart, maybe by distance

But never at heart

Jimin's POV

I kept my gaze straight on the floor, waiting for her answer but her mono eyes were glued straight toward me as if trying to take in what I'd just said while a weird cold tension surrounded us. My heart was thumping faster than usual, did I say something wrong? 

Slowly my eye traced up to meet her black-colored orbs before breaking the silence, "Who were they?" I scratched the back of my neck, "-uhh, those people you were on the phone with"

Her face carefully studied my sudden question as if she's actually deciding whether to truthfully answer or not, "Friends" she plainly whipped her head to the side, no emotions lied in her eyes whatsoever, "Just mind your own business" she hissed coldly, leaving me alone without another word.

Valerie, why are you so complicated?

Valerie's POV

Park Jimin, the guy who hated me since day one liked my laugh? Bullshit. Buahahahahhaha, I would've believed it more if he said that he grew taller. Your intentions were clear. Your voice was commanding and I understood every part of it and now all of the sudden you're getting all friendly with me, yeah, as if I'd fall for your cheap trick.

You wanted nothing to do with me, right? So be it. 

I walked back alone to Yoongi-hyung's studio. The second I stepped in, Midget followed from behind after.


Timeskip to a few days brought to you by Kuroko offering you some milkshake

Timeskip to a few days brought to you by Kuroko offering you some milkshake

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Today's the day

My heart raced so fast as if it could actually jumped out of my chest, having an excited sensation bubbling in the pit of my stomach for I was finally meeting them again after so many years. 

I tapped my foot lightly on the concrete flooring as I waited for them at the airport, letting out a yawn from getting up really early just to meet them. Thankfully the Bangtan boys weren't as crazy as I was, and on the plus side, I didn't want them to find out anyway. 

Imagine all the fuss

I grimaced at the thought, whilst pulling my jacket closer as the wind sent a sudden cold breeze.

I grimaced at the thought, whilst pulling my jacket closer as the wind sent a sudden cold breeze

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