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Books are my LIFE

All day and night, I stay awake

Never doing anything else, not play, sleep, or bake

For I am so enhanced

After every chapter I jump up and dance

For I truly believe this is all that can be

Everyone else doesn't have to believe

Books are my Life

There is really nothing else for me to do

I don't have anyone to read to

So I snuggle in my bed and in my brain knowledge store

A book in my hand, walking upon the shore

This is what it brings me

I just want everyone else to see

Books, oh books, that story where I gather words

I would rather do that than go shopping at all the stores

For I know, through and through

For me that's what books do

What I am trying to tell you here is

I don't even care for show biz

Because Books are my Life

Books are my Life

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