Morning After

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Iris's POV

Wednesday 19th January 

I wake, I open my eyes and roll to the other of my bed. What happened last night ??? I grab my phone from my night stand and text the group chat ...
Me: guys what happened last night ??

No one answers ...
I think their still sleeping after all what ever happened to me happened to them too, actually I have some sort of an idea of what had happened last night. After we had some food at the restaurant I think we ordered some HEAVY cocktails and I'm guessing after that we got wasted ;I feel a little sick I get out of bed and go to the bathroom I splash my face with water and take a sh*t ...
I feel I bit more refreshed ,but my head still aches I get changed into sweatpants and a hoodie (like I always do). I go downstairs take a sip of water and have an apple ,I go into the living room to see if anyone else is downstairs, oh nice I don't think anyone's awake yet, I check the time it's still 8 o'clock, I go back upstairs to my room I open some Netflix on my laptop ,get comfy and watch riverdale aka best show in the universe!!

 I go downstairs take a sip of water and have an apple ,I go into the living room to see if anyone else is downstairs, oh nice I don't think anyone's awake yet, I check the time it's still 8 o'clock, I go back upstairs to my room I open some Netfl...

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Ding ! I hear my phone go off ,I check who it's from ... omggg finally someone replied from the group chat:
Ava: ??
Ava: we got drunkkkkkk 😂😵
Me: I think I've realised that my self ???
Me: I mean like what actually happened after we got drunk ??
Ava: we went to the club after ??
Ella: rawww , it was lit last night 🔥🔥
Blaire:I took care of you lot you guys got drunkkkkkkk I was drunk too but sober enough to drive
I look out my window and not see my car there, I knock on my parents door ...
Me : " mamá ,papá where is my car ?? "
Mum: do you even know how you got home last night ??
I don't answer ...
Mum: your friend Blaire called me last night saying that you were "drunk" too drunk too drive so I ended up going to your friends house and driving you back home ,I went with my own car so I couldn't grab your car as well so it's parked at your friend Blaire's house that I hope you will pick up today.
Dad: I think you can make it up to your mum by washing up and hovering the living room and kitchen
Me: "sorry mamá didn't think we would get drunk , yeah I think I will do that thanks pap"
I go back to my room ,wow that's cleared up a few things on my mind even tho my mind isn't that clear I still have a very bad head ache. Blaire is my bestest friend known her since pre-school, Shea.ways has my back she the "mother" of the group ,I take some paracetamol from out of my draw and gulp it down with some water ,my little sister breaks into my room .
Isabelle:hey wanna watch a movie
She says that in an overly happy voice sometimes this girl can be so happy at times ,she jumps on my bed
Isabelle: come on come
Me : go watch it with Diego (my brother )
Isabelle : FINE ugh why you gotta be sooooo moody sometimes !!
Me: sorry I have to tidy my room !!
She leaves by slamming the door behind her ,wow ,my sister is really spoiled ,the thing is she is funnily spoiled ,well I find it funny . It's 1:00 now I feel decent I get out of and look around my room ,I think I should tidy up I pick some worn socks off the floor ,my socks have been going missing lately , I crawl on the floor and look under my bed ,oh look how surprising I find some socks under my bed. I redo my bed and tidy my deck up and then head down stair have another snack then head my way out to blaire's by walking take about half an hour it's good for me anyways ,some nice fresh air.
I arrive at Blaire's I check the time on my phone it's 1:45 now ok that's pretty good . I knock on Blaire's door ,very surprised to see her open the door instead of her mum.
Me: Hey Blaire
Blaire: your finally here ,come in ...
Me: is your mum home ??
Blaire: no actually she not ,she popped to the shops to buy groceries
Me: nice
Blaire: don't worry I have your car keys
I think she saw the worried look on my face as I checked my pockets ...
Me: omg thank you , you are literally my life saver
Blaire: anyways sit down on the couch , I will bring some tea and we will sit down and I will fill you in about yesterday ...
I spend a good three hours at Blaire's , we both sat on the couch all cozy with our mugs in our hand drinking tea and talking when watching some YouTube. I really needed a worth while talk with someone ...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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