A Mistake

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At first, it was a joyous time.

Someone loved and missed had returned and it seemed as though everything was finally right with the world. Everyone was happy, and it seemed as though nothing could touch us.


I woke up one day and there was such a hostile aura around my family... those who once welcomed me with open arms were now shutting themselves away. My own team seemed to forget I existed.

Happy, Wendy, Levy, and a very few others were just as confused as I was at the sudden switch in attitude. No matter what I or they said, nobody's behavior changed.

The master was made aware, yet oddly enough no matter how many scolding his guild got, nothing helped.

Along with those few who helped at first, Gajeel, Mira, Juvia, Laxus and the exceeds were really the only people I bothered going to the guild for.

Staring at the doors, I sighed before walking in, my mood worsening when all the excited and lively chatter dissipated at my entrance. I shut the door behind me and made my way up to the bar. relief flooding my face when I saw Gajeel and Levy there while Mira cleaned the counter.

"Mira, Can I have a strawberry shake?" I ask as I made it there, and she looked up with a bright and welcoming smile.

"Of course Lucy! Anything else?"

I shook my head and took a seat next to Levy, who immediately added me into her conversation with the iron dragon slayer.

This was nice, although I could feel the burning from the malicious looks that were thrown my way when I laughed at Gajeel's quip at Levy, who was quick to chew him out for it. My eyes wandered around the guild, and when I met eyes with the younger, Wendy waved at me from her spot next to Romeo. When I smiled and waved back, it quickly disappeared when Romeo shot me a dirty look and grab her arm and pulling her out of sight.

I nearly started to cry, but swallowed it down as Mira put my milkshake in front of me. I played with the staw, as any appetite for it diminished with what just happened. Nearly the entire guild has grown to hate me with no explanation. I couldn't fathom as to what I could've done in order to warrant such treatment, and even if I had done something, they were usually quick to forgive even major mess ups... so for them to hate me to this degree.. I just wanted answers.

Hearing a high pitched and over-enthusastic laugh from the otherside of the guild, and I couldn't help but look over, and my heart clenched. Lisana was perched in Natsu's lap, said man was arguing with Grey again, and didn't notice the little smile she sent me before leaning down to whisper in Natsu's ear.

I turned back around and Levy was quick to notice why tears started to prick at my eyes.

"I don't understand it either Lucy... we all believed you and Natsu would end up together... it makes no sense."

I shook my head at her concerned eyes, "No. I don't think it would've gone that way-"

"Yo. Uh, Lucy?" said man's voice was right behind me, causing me to flinch and slowly turn around.

"Oh hey, Natsu..." I asked timidly, my hands fiddling with nerves. "Hey Happy..."

It was honestly really nice to have him talk to me. Natsu or the team hasn't spoken to me in weeks, and he was constantly going on the missions with them without inviting me. It was no surprise that Lisana was joining them everywhere though... but it didn't change how badly it hurt. Happy sent me a cheesy smile and patted my head before getting yanked back by Natsu, the blue cat looking at him confused.

"You're not welcome to join us for missions anymore. We don't need you." he said bluntly.

I froze in my thought process and felt my heart break, "W-where is this coming from? The first time you speak to me in weeks and it's this?"

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