The Sun Always Sets in the West, But Would I? (1)

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A/N: Hey there :3 Just a new storyline thats been swimming around in my head for a while. This is a little preview! xXvote,comment&enjoy


I sip the Spiced Pumpkin Latte I’d just purchased from Starbucks and let the warm liquid sit on my tongue, trying to memorize its distinct taste and everything around me; the soaring skyscrapers that have always shielded me from the outside world and the bustling people who forever seemed to be late.

If you’re familiar with your Starbucks then the limited edition drink would lead you to believe that the Christmas season was upon us.

*ding* *ding* *ding*

And you would be correct for five hundred dollars and a trip to the Bahamas!

Being it was almost Christmas my parents had decided to surprise me and give me an early present. I remember it like it was yesterday, maybe because it was just yesterday they had given me the news.


“Melanie, come talk to your father and I in the living room.”

My mother’s melodic voice carried from the sitting area of our condo to my small bedroom, forcing me to set down the book I was reading and jump off of my bed.

Oh shit. Every kid with half a brain knew that when your parents wanted “to talk” it was never a good thing. It either meant you had done something really bad or they were sending you away to a boarding school in Switzerland.

I couldn’t stop the pit of nervousness from growing in my stomach and grabbed the pillow off of my dad’s armchair to brace myself for whatever my parents had to say. They sat on the loveseat across from me, staring intently. Melanie against her parents.

My mother started, “Your father has gotten an incredible job offer.”

“After seeing the building designs I've created in New York this past decade I was offered a job from another architect company. I didn’t know it was possible to make more money than I am now, but apparently it is.” My father continued.

My mind immediately began to race, and I couldn’t help but notice that neither of them had mentioned where this company was stationed.

I tried to sound sincere, “That’s great Dad, but where is the company from?”

His next words hit me like a brick of blocks.

“Huntington Beach, California.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2012 ⏰

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