Harry Styles Your sweetness is too kind :D

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"Oh my gosh Y/N!!!!" your friend squeeled and jumped up and down,"Whats up Natalie?" you rolled your eyes.What was she fangirling about now? Probably got ticket to latest boy band concert you want to go but you just don't have enough money,"One Direction is in town!!!!" she jumped and twirled,"One who?" you looked at her,"What rock have you been living under?"she gasped,"Scuse' me" you put a hand on your hip,"Oh my gawd come to my house laters and I'll show you!" she skipped away,"Bye Nate!" You smirked,"She turned around and gave you a deathly glare,"Do NOT call me that," and she bounced away again. You giggled to yourself as you combed your hair,some people thought you were tomboy or 'butch' you scoffed at the thought. You could dress like that HECK! You even have some girly clothes! You started to think, today I will put on the girliest of clothes in my closet to prove them wrong. You imagined the faces jaws dropping at the sight of you, You started to giggle as you went to the dark side of your closet,"Hmmmm I actually kind of like this!" you twirled,"Aww honey you look fabulous!" your mom was in awe at the sight of you,"Whatever mum."you giggled,"Hurry with you hair and come downstairs Dedum!" that was the nick name you mom gave you since you said ALL the time when you where little. You french braided your hair and went downstairs to eat. When you felt something being clipped into your hair,"Gift from my mum" she smiled brightly,"Mum no its yours!" you frowned feeling guilty,"Another handy down for you darling!" she kissed your cheek,"Mu-" she was in front of you,"Don't take it off OR ELSE" she gave you a playful glare,"Fine Fine!!" you grabbed you backpack when your doorbell rang. You swear Natalies eyes almost fell from there sockets,"My Y/N is becoming a woman!!" she grabbed you into a hug,"Oh please Nate its still me just trying to prove em' wrong!" you giggled and blushed,"No I'm SERIOUS people were starting to think you were lesbo with me!" she said relieved almost,"I WOULD NEVER!" you scoffed and snorted,"Im kidding!" she laughed,"Nate." you grinned evilly,"I just got my claws edged."she hissed,"Touchy today you hormanal little tween!" you laughed,"Sorry its just I'm so nervous!"she looked at the violet clothes," Why is that?" you looked at her,"What if One direction were here?" she sighed,"You pig!" you giggled,"What I might be a Mrs.Malik!" she blushed,"Hey Natalie we are 2 out of the whole world! I'm sorry to bust your bubble." you said seriously,"Not if you believe in love!" she sighed and looked down,"Nat I'm sorry your right but I don't know he doesn't even know who you are!" I smiled,"Your the worst at apologizing!" she went into a fit of giggles,"I know I know!" you smiled,"Hey I have to ask you something!" she said with her voice rising,"GO TO THE CONCERT WITH ME PLEASE WE HAVE BACKSTAGE PASSES PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" she made puppy dog eyes,"Who could say no to that face!" you burst in giggles,"YAY I'm coming to dress you tonight! Don't bother asking your mom!" she smiled evilly,"So I didn't even had a choice you weasle!" I ruffled her hair,"DORK LOOK WHAT YOU DID!" she put a fake white girl accent," Whatever girl the puff is smexy!" you put on a ghetto girl accent. You both burst into a GIANT fit of giggles as you walked to class.

                                                                       (At home)

"OWWWWWW Nat your pulling my hair!" you said irritated," I'm sorry bout' your rat nest ma'am" she snapped back,"Whatever! I don't get this its just a flicken' concert!" you looked out your window," V.I.P Helllooooo!" she sighed, You thinked about what the One Direction thought about this grooming, wait what? What were you thinking not wanting to be a fan girl, it's just so weird," Done! GOURGEOUS you look like a fairy!" she patted herself on the back. You looked into the mirror and gasped,"I know I'm a miracle worker!" she giggled," Oh goodness..." you looked like a model!You turned and saw the pin your mum gave you," It's really pretty YOUR really pretty." she smiled," Lets go and get to the concert!" she squeeled,"Oh god rise of the inner Fan girl!"you laughed as you ran to the car.

                                                                    (Concert Backstage)

Turns out the guys were fun and HOT! You were playing hide and seek with them for the past hour and your buddy was Natalie but she ran of with Zayn you decided for a break and went to the little snack bar you were about to grab a cupcake when someones hand touched yours," You can have it I insist..." you looked up and blushed,"No you I can eat a cookie." he smiled."Im Y/N" you smiled," I'm Harry Styles" he purred. "Forget the cupcake" you thought,"Would you like an autograph or a picture?" he asked,"Ummmm..." you said confused."You don't reconize me?"he cocked an eyebrow," Am I supposed to?" you tried to see if you remeber this dude. He started to laugh," What are you doing here then!" he laughed even harder,"To see O- OH your THAT Harry!" you started to laugh,"You scared ne there I thought people started to forget me!" he said sarcastically,"My friend dragged me here. Supposedly I live under a rock since I don't know you." you rolled your eyes,"Maybe.." he gave you a flirty smirk," I should get back to them since its been thirty minutes of hide and seek and they havent found me!" you laughed " Serious! Man my mates our nitwits! Shall we?" he offered a hand," We shall!" you tucked your hand in the nick of his arm,"You such a good hider Y/N! HAZZA!!" yelled Louis as he jumped on Harry," I wasn't even hiding!" you laughed,"Where were you!" she giggled making googalie eyes at Zayn so was he,"I was at the snack bar with Harry." you rolled your eyes,"Did you have a good time?" Zayn wiggled his eyebrows." No but I can tell you did with Nate!" you laughed,"Five mintues!" Paul yelled,"Bye girls!" they said sacronized," Bye Y/N." he smiled and blushed,"Hazza is hitting on my twin!" Louis yelled and ruffled his hair that made him blush even more!

                                                         (After the Concert)

They TOTALLY are awsome after all! You thought when the concert was over and the boys walked toward you sweating," Ewww pigs are backstage!" you giggled as they walked toward you then you noticed...Harry wasn't there when someone grabbed your waist making you scream,"Squeeze this little piggy!" Harry yelled,"Eww get off!" you slipped out of his arms.You smiled and poked him,"Poke!" you giggled,"Poke War" you poked each other and grasped each others sides from laughing. You looked into his eyes and blushed,"Thanks Harry tonight was fun." you blushed harder," The pleasure is mine" man he was such the gentlemen! You gave him a hug and started walking to your car when you heard someone yelling your name from behind you,"Harry?" you rubbed your eyes as he grabbed your chin and gave you a passionate kiss," Y/N I know it has only been a day I've known you but its enough time to fall hard for somebody and will you give me the pleasure of being my girlfriend!" he said and blushed," Its ok if no I understand." he tilted his head down. You grabbed his chin and pulled him toward you,"The pleasure is mine." and you kissed him again.

Harry Styles Your sweetness is too kind :DWhere stories live. Discover now